| 6 | Drunk Urges

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Third person

  (Tw) smutish? (Shuichi is just really touchy), consumption of alcohol, groping

Also I don't want to talk about how I got that photo...

  "Shuichiiii are you ready?"

  "Y-yeah just hold on, it has still been really cold out lately..."

  "Well duh, it's still winter!" Kokichi cheered. Shuichi walked out of the room, he had a black sweatshirt with a big light grey stipe across the middle. He also had grey jeans on.

  Kokichi wore a purple puffy jacket over a white shirt. He had black jeans on and his white vans. Shuichi admired that he added his old self's necklaces and bracelets to the outfit. Shuichi thought he looked really nice.

"Alright, Meishu is waiting outside!" Kokichi cheered. Kokichi, Miu, Shuichi, and Rantaro agreed to go out to a bar, Meishu had agreed to drive the four to the bar and back.

"Don't forget your I.D," Shuichi joked.

"Oh I didn't~," Kokichi laughed. "And I don't look that young!"

"Kokichi you look like a 10 year old," Shuichi chuckled, turning off the lights to the house.

  "Heyo you two, are ya ready?" Meishu greeted. The two boys nodded, Meishu led them to his car. He then drove over to Miu's house and picked up Rantaro and Miu. During the drive Miu, Kokichi, and Meishu bickered and Rantaro was talking to Shuichi about Kaede.

"Thank you hot version of Kokichi~," Miu flirted.

"No problem slutty bitch," Meishu replied.

"Ohhh~yeahhh~," she moaned.

"Miu stop being horny for my brother before I punch your flat chest!"

"Alright text me if someone annoys you, I'll make sure DICE takes care of them," Meishu winked at the group. Only the four knew about Meishu being the leader of DICE.

  "Yep we got that, now let's get drunk!" Kokichi shouted, dragging Shuichi to the front doors of the bar.

  "I.Ds please," the man at the front door asked. The four handed him the I.Ds, the guy was suspicious of Kokichi for a second but let them pass.

The bar wasn't too full, since Meishu wanted Kokichi and the others to go at an earlier time. There were still some drunk men there, most likely they just got off of work and was trying to avoid their wives and responsibilities.

"Alright! Who's ready for their first round!" Miu cheered. "Kokichi! I know you are!" She dragged Kokichi to the man working at the bar.

"Well it seems like this bar is gonna get loud soon..." Shuichi chuckled to Rantaro.

"Hey Shuichi...your hung up on Kaede, I'm sorry but you have to let go...why don't you have a few drinks, get your mind off of her," Rantaro advised.

"W-where did this come from?" Shuichi laughed nervously.

"Oh please, I saw it in your eyes dude while we were talking in the car."

Shuichi sighed.

"Here I got your first round of drinks," he pat Shuichi's shoulder.

"Y-you don't have-,"

"BARTENDER GET THIS MAN SOMETHING TO FORGET HIS TROUBLES!" Rantaro shouted. The man nodded and began getting Shuichi a drink.

It's been about one hour, Rantaro seems pretty drunk, Miu is flirting with other guys there, Kokichi was hugging Shuichi, and Shuichi felt dazed.

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