| 10 | Dreams

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Shuichi POV

(Tw) Kissy kissy time, smutish, Saimatsu

I'm pretty nervous about posting this chapter...

  I was back at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. In the overgrown classroom where I had fallen out of a locker. This is where I met Kaede.

...Kaede...I still love you...

I heard the door open. "Oh hello Shuichi," it was Kaede. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just hanging out," I smiled at her. She walked in, closing the door behind her. She then took a seat next to me. After she sat down all the chairs seemed to disappear.

"I hope you don't mind if I hang out with you," she smiled sweetly. Her voice was like music, a soft and warm sound...like the sound of a soft song, playing on a piano.

I tilted my hat down, "As long as it's you, I never mind..."

She let out a small giggle. "You're so sweet."

There was a silence...a comfortable silence...



"Why are you so nice to me?"

"I'm nice to everyone, it's just who I am. But..that's not what you meant. You meant, why do I decide to hang out with you, why I decided to become your friend..."


"I did it because I love you, Shuichi."


"Do you not believe me?"

"....it's hard to tell...."

"What if I do this?" She moved over onto my lap. Her chair disappeared. "What if I look you in the eye," she gently lifted up my face. I was able to see her thin face perfectly, without my hat covering it. He pinkish purple eyes stared into my dark yellowish grey eyes. "...and I say this: Shuichi Saihara, I love you."

"I love you too Kaede." My arms hung low, off the chair.

  She smiled sweetly, leaning down. Her lips connected with mine. She pressed her chest against mine, moving her hands to my cheeks, softly sighing into the kiss.

  My arms still hung low, as I closed my eyes, kissing back. My hat felt heavy. Like it was a weight holding me down in place.

  I slowly opened my eyes. Kaede was still kissing me. But, her face was blurry. I could hardly even see her nose. I saw a flash of purple behind her.

I closed my eyes again, trying to melt into the kiss. But I couldn't, I didn't feel right...


She separated and went back in for another kiss. I felt a deep pit in my stomach, as my throat choked. I was gonna vomit. I opened my eyes again, tears starting to build up.


Kaede wasn't kissing me anymore...

...it was Kokichi...

  My nauseous feeling went away. The weight from my hat disappeared...do I even have it on now? And my arms that were hung low, off of the chair, was now wrapped around his waist.

  I couldn't control myself. I leaned forward, kissing his lips back roughly. He followed my roughness, groaning into the kiss. His hands tugged at my hair. His fingers had bandages wrapped around them...it were the bandages I used to cover his cut finger.

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