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Lyra looked around curiously as she walked through the portal to platform 9 3/4. In all the years she'd been living at Hogwarts, she had never before been onto platform 9 3/4.

Despite the new experience, Lyra found herself decidedly annoyed with the amount of people running up and down the platform. She'd barely payed attention to them, instead moving immediately to an empty compartment. 

With a little magic to help, her trunk was soon safely put away, Nova curled up on the seat and her book out. Lyra had recently become rather enamored with several muggle book series she'd found in a library, and had therefore bought her own copies.

She settled down to read away the trip.


Lyra had read through a considerable amount of the book when she was interrupted by a knock on the door. She looked up, rather startled. Nova lazily raised her head, looking uninterestedly at the door for a moment before going back to sleep. 

There were two people standing outside the door, one a girl with bushy hair and the other a slightly chubby boy. Curious, yet wary, Lyra gestured for them to come in. The girl was the first to do so, the boy following.

"Have you seen a toad?" the bushy-haired one asked. Lyra found it slightly rude; not even a hello. "Neville's lost one."

Lyra glanced at the boy again, noting the slightly nervous expression. "Hello," she said to him, ignoring the bushy-haired one's question. "Are you Neville?" 

The boy nodded, and Lyra gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "I'm Lyra," she told him, getting to her feet and holding out a hand for him to shake. He surprised her by instead placing a small kiss on the back of it. 'Pureblood, then.' Lyra thought.

The bushy-haired one was quiet, with an annoyed frown on her face. 

"I haven't seen a toad," Lyra said. She took a seat again, gently stroking Nova's head while gesturing to the other open ones. "Is he yours?"

Neville nodded again. "My uncle bought him for me, as a gift for Hogwarts," he explained. "But he keeps disappearing." Lyra thought for a few moments. 

"Maybe a prefect could help?" She suggested, and the boy's face brightened considerably. "Should we go find one?"

For an answer, Neville got to his feet and offered her a hand up. She took it, well used to the ridiculous rules of pureblood courtesy. 

The two walked out the compartment, leaving the bushy-haired girl standing in the compartment.


Standing with the other first years, who were distracted by looking around the room, Lyra was lost to the feeling of magic. After nearly two years spent away from Hogwarts, Lyra was nearly overwhelmed by the magnificent power. 

Hogwarts was welcoming her home.


Minerva McGonagall's eyes widened.

"Lyra, H-Hogwarts," she managed to get out. She watched a young girl walk from the crowd of new students with all the grace a pureblood should have. 

The real shock, however, came when the sorting hat yelled out, "Hurry up!"

The girl had given the hat an exasperated look, sitting gracefully on the stool while the hat was lowered onto her head. It took a while, before the hat said something. 

However, for the hat to annoyedly mumble, "I am not an idiot." wasn't what they'd expected.

And when the hat finally made its decision, the result was "RAVENCLAW!"


When the first year Ravenclaws were finally allowed to claim their rooms, Lyra was ready to fall over. The 'welcome home' that Hogwarts had given her really took a lot of her energy, and Lyra wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep.

She quietly cursed Rowena under her breath, why did she and Godric choose towers?

Lyra snorted softly as she stepped into her room. Right, it was because they wanted to see who could build a better one. Honestly, she wondered if they were children sometimes.

Nova was already curled up on the bed, and Lyra changed into pyjamas. She'd deal with everything the next day, she decided as she fell into darkness.


666 words

Hello anyone, 

I have to say, I found it hard to write this chapter initially. I tried to begin several times, but in the end settled on this one. I hope no one is too disappointed!

I'm not entirely sure what I should do with Hermione in this story. It's already changed a lot from the original idea, but I find that I like this version more.

Anyway, I'd love some advice on wat to do with Hermione!

Bye ~

Lyra HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now