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After a marvelous breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon, the gifts were brought out.

Rowena had given her a notebook/sketchpad that would never run out of pages, along with a never ending quill from Helga.
Godric handed her a wrapped package in the shape of a book, but he explained that this one would only open to Parseltongue, and all the writing inside would be in that too.

Salazar had given her the best gift in her opinion. 

She was presented with a large box, from which she could hear scratching on the inside. Cautiously, Lyra pulled the box open, jumping back when something leapt out. She stared at the creature. 

"Umm, what is it?" She asked. The animal seemed a lot like a cross between a cat and a dragon, almost like a chimera... but smaller, and without the goats body.

Merlin grinned, "That's the result of an experiment gone wrong. She's sort of like a baby chimera, but made from an exploded potion." Lyra's attention was still on the animal.

"You said it was a girl?" Salazar nodded. "Alright, then. Her name is... Nova."

Rowena smiled, " 'New' , seems like a good name for her." The smile turned into a glare directed at Salazar and Merlin. "Now, I for one would like to know why you thought a baby cat-dragon would be a good birthday gift?"


Eventually, the day came to an end and Lyra sadly said goodbye to the Founders. She'd hoped to never leave, but things didn't go the way you wanted them too. She'd be staying with her muggle relatives for the next few years, until she returned to the Magical world. 

Unfortunately, they were terrified of magic. Ah well, too bad for them.

And so, Lyra found herself standing in front of a door she'd never seen before.

Nova nudged her leg, and Lyra smiled down at the small cat. It was time to greet the people who'd abused her.


The next two years of Lyra's life consisted mostly of cooking, and gardening. She'd refused point blank to do any chores other than those, and her relatives had been far too scared to argue. 

Although it had taken a while, Lyra had eventually worked out that the Dursley's didn't even know she existed. It was quite clear they were not too happy about being wrong. 

Petunia, the woman boney and horse-like, had grudgingly given Lyra Dudley's second bedroom. The woman was also responsible for taking care of the house, with the exception being Lyra's bedroom.

Vernon, on the other hand, had been taught a rather forceful lesson when he tried to hit her. Nova, the sweet little kitten, had leapt in front of Lyra. Hissing, tail raised in the air, Nova had made quite the sight -and this lead to Vernon avoiding Lyra whenever possible.

Something she was definitely happy with.

Dudley had clearly been warned to stay away from Lyra by his parents, not that that really bothered her. It meant she got to do what she needed without someone a stupid as Dudley around to bother her.


When a letter appeared on the doorstep of #4 Privet Drive, there were mixed reactions in the house. Vernon, Dudley and Petunia were torn between being relieved that Lyra would be gone and horrified that Magicals had contacted them.

Lyra was simply ecstatic. Finally, she'd be able to get away from the deathly boring walls and return home.

With Nova at her heels, and a bag packed, Lyra gave the Dursley's a cheeky smile and a wave before walking out the door. She wasn't going to return.


Diagon Alley was rather strange, to be honest. Lyra hadn't stayed up-to-date with the Magical world, having seen no need to, but now she was wishing that she had.

It seemed the wizards and witches had shunned the magical creatures in the years that had past, Diagon Alley was almost only wand wielders. 

Nevertheless, Lyra walked down the streets, looking curiously from shop to shop. Several that she'd been familiar with had been replaced, yet Ollivander's was still open. She'd need to go there at some point, she mused. But money was the first thing on the list.

Gringotts was something that hadn't changed at all, it seemed. The large white building was still run by Goblins, and was still the most obvious place in the alley. The warning on the doors made her grin slightly, Lyra had helped come up with the rhyme.

Making her way to an open teller, Lyra gave a polite bow. "Greetings, Master Goblin. May your gold flourish, and your enemies lay dead at your feet." She'd spoken in Gobbledegook, from the expression the Goblin wore.

"Well met, child. What business do you have at Gringotts?" The Goblin had, to her surprise, responded in the same language. Honestly, she'd been expecting for the conversation to be in English but, oh well.

Lyra was curious as to how this next part would go down. "I wish to make a withdraw, from the Gryffindor vault."

The Goblin stared, "You- Gryffindor? But- We need an inheritance test," He managed to form a sentence. Without explaining or waiting, he began to walk into one of the tunnels. Lyra followed after, Nova held in her arms.

Instead of turning down, literally, Lyra and the Goblin walked down the tunnel that continued straight. Doors were placed on both sides of the tunnels, names of families carved into each. The names became more well known the further they walked, and yet more doors appeared after the ones with names ended. 

These doors were the offices of Goblins, and the one leading Lyra stopped at a simple wooden one. Well, it seemed simple to the naked eye, but Lyra could see the hundreds of spells and wards woven into the wood. 

The ability to see spells, magic and wards had been the reason the Founders and Merlin were glowing when they'd first met. It had taken around three months before Lyra could finally turn off the ability, which had made looking around the castle a lot easier.

After knocking on the door, the Goblin strode in. Another Goblin sat behind the desk. "Silverblade," he said, still slightly dazed. "We need an inheritance test. Now."

Silverblade gave Lyra a curious glance, before pulling the necessary items out of a draw. "Three drops of blood please."

Lyra took the offered knife, cutting her finger and dropping three drops onto the parchment. There was a brief glow around her blood, before it began to form words. 

She allowed Sliverblade to read it first, already suspecting she knew what was on the page. When the parchment was given to her, she found she was correct.


Lily Marie Potter nee Evans
James Fleamont Potter
Remus Lupin-Black, Maria McKinnon (Marlene's sister, I made her up)

Heir to: Ravenclaw

Needless to say, the Goblins were rather surprised.

1183 words

Note: Hello to anyone reading this! I had, at one point 18 chapters for this story written before I lost interest in writing it. Now, however, I have once more got inspiration! The only thing is, I am not happy with the chapters I already had written and so I'm rewriting them. There is not likely to be a regular update schedule, but this story has not been abandoned!

Thank you to anyone who is reading this story, if you have feedback please let me know!

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