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I don't own Harry Potter.


'The Potter's were the perfect family. Two loving parents and an adorable son. Of course, the young boy was also their savior, having vanquished Lord Voldemort at age one. And despite the ridiculous idea that a one-year-old child could stop the most feared Dark Lord who even Albus Dumbledore could not beat, the sheep of the Wizarding World were quite happy to hail the boy a hero.

'I wonder what people would say if they knew that there was another Potter? Would they believe it? Or would they just think that someone had been mistaken? Somehow, I think it would be the second one. 

'Hello. I am Lyra Potter, the same Potter no-one knows anything about. I am the twin sister of Samuel, first-born to Lily and James Potter. They were brilliant parents in the beginning, and spent time with us equally. 

'That was, until our family was attacked by Lord Voldemort. He was the Dark Lord at the time, and apparently died trying to kill Sam. I find that hard to believe, but whatever floats your boat. The point is, the Dark Lord was vanquished on 31st October 1981, and Sam hailed a hero. That's where it all began.

'The Potter parents began to forget they had two children, spending more and more time with Samuel. At first it wasn't too bad, just spending a few more hours playing with Sam, but it slowly progressed to the point where they didn't even set a place at the table for me.

'That was when I was around three years old. I'm five, now, and they seem to have completely forgotten they have a daughter. Of course, if anyone asked -and it's a big if- they'd smile and nod, pretend that they actually know who they're talking about. But they don't remember.

'It was actually on my fifth birthday that it happened. I'd woken early, like most mornings. However, I found myself not at Potter Manor, but a new place entirely. And that was the beginning, Lyra Potter was gone and I would take her place.'

345 words

Hello anyone, I have decided these first few chapters were not to my liking and I will be spending some time editing them to the new storyline. This chapter basically summarizes her childhood, I found it surprisingly easy to write. It's short, I know, but I don't really care right now. It get's the job done.

Stay safe all-

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