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I don't own Harry Potter.


"Rowena? I'm not sure I fully understand this..." Lyra called softly. They were sitting in Rowena's office, Lyra working on a few Arithmancy questions. It was a completely new subject to her, so it was understandable that it would be confusing.

Rowena smiled at her young charge. The girl had appeared nearly five years ago, in one of the empty rooms of the castle. She'd been wary of them at first, understandably so, seeing as she had arrived by complete accident.

They'd all grown incredibly fond of the child in the years she'd lived with them, and three months after her arrival had begun teaching her the art of Magic. Salazar Slytherin taught her Potions, amongst other subjects. He'd refused point-blank to let anyone else teach that.

Godric Gryffindor had been similar, but with dueling. He too taught the young girl other topics, but was adamant that he get to teach dueling. Helga Hufflepuff and herself, Rowena Ravenclaw, had split the other subjects up between them, and classes began.

It had become clear quite quickly that Lyra was incredibly dangerous with a wand, and had managed to beat Godric in a duel after just two years of lessons. Ric had sulked for a week, while Lyra had moved onto the next subject with a passion.

That was one of the best things about their young charge, she would take pride in her accomplishments but wouldn't rub it in. For nearly the full first year they'd wondered where she lacked, and it became clear when she cursed a fourth year after he insulted one of the first years.

The boy was in the hospital wing for a week.

It had become clear that anger management was a lesson that needed to happen soon, before she ended up doing someone permanent damage.

"Hmm, have you checked the fourth chapter?" Rowena asked after looking over the question. That was how the lessons went. They'd give a bit of help to find the relevant chapter, before helping her through the question completely if it really made no sense.

Skimming over the page, Lyra smiled up at Rowena. "Thank you, it makes sense now."

"Well, finish the question and we can go get lunch."


"Yes, now we let it simmer for three minutes -no more, no less!"

Lyra nodded absently, her attention more on the bubbling cauldron in front of her. She'd been trying to make this one without success for three months, but it seemed this one would finally work.

She set up a careful timer, before beginning to clear away the unnecessary ingredients. "Salazar, why is it that Godric is so obsessed with gryphons?" 

The man shrugged, "Likely because they're a part of his name. But who knows how that mans mid works." 

She'd returned to the table just as the timer went off, and took the cauldron off the flame. The flame was put out before she turned to Salazar who was examining the potion closely. A wide smile split the mans face after moments.

"This," he said proudly, "is a perfect potion. I knew you could do it, Lyra." Lyra smiled at the man, before bottling the rest of the potion.


Lyra was walking through the castle. She wasn't really focusing on where she was going, fully comfortable in any part of the old building. She walked with the relaxed manner of someone who knows where they are, and doesn't mind where they were going.

The castle was her home, and she knew she would be safe here. 

The magic of the school had decided a few years prior to 'adopt' her, and the founders had nearly had heart attacks when they found out. Her 'Potter looks' had nearly disappeared completely. Instead of having dark brown, messy hair; the traditional 'Potter style' had been replaced by the raven-coloured locks that both Rowena and Salazar shared. Helga's amber eyes had merged with the emerald green, leading to a mix of the two colouring her iris'.

Godric's height had been what Hogwarts decided she needed, and made her a tiny bit taller.

All in all, Lyra had been ecstatic at having been 'adopted' by the beloved castle.

680 words


Lyra HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now