part 6 💊

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Narrator pov: Kenma manages to eat everything after 50 minutes. ToToo is already fast asleep and Kuroo was sitting next to him encouraging him to finish. "I want you to track how many meals you finish a week. If it's more than 4 then I'll do or get whatever you want." Kuroo says. Kenma lets out a little sigh and accepts the challenge. He puts the date, time, and meal all in the notes of his phone. The boys go upstairs and watch a movie on Kuroo's bed. 10 minutes later Kenma runs to the bathroom throwing up half of kuroo's dinner. "It's okay, It's okay." kuroo says patting his back.

Kenma pov: I hate this. I hate it so much. The feeling of being weak. Not being able to keep food inside of me. What am 6 years old? This feeling of embarrassment makes me want to just curl up into a ball and sink into the ground. I hear footsteps coming by the bathroom door, then someone knocks. Kuroo gets up from beside me and opens it. "Is everything okay in here, I heard coughing." Kuroo's grandma said. "He just threw up his dinner, he's okay." kuroo responds. She looks at me concerned. From her eyes I'm probably a weakling begging for protection.., from food. She walks in and goes into the medicine cabinet and asks me, "Pills or syrup?" I hate pills. "Syrup" I say low. "He said syrup,...kenma my grandma's ears aren't as young as they used to be haha." She starts to pour medicine into the cap. 

Narrator pov: Kuroo's grandma gives the weak boy medicine for his stomach and tells them to get some sleep for school tomorrow. The two of them do so but it's hard for Kuroo to sleep knowing how much Kenma struggles with eating. 

In the morning kuroo woke up first and took kenma's gameboy and put it in his backpack. After that Kuroo woke Kenma up. "Time to wake up ugly" kuroo says giving kenma a good morning kiss on the head. "mmMMMMmmmM" kenma makes with his mouth closed. Kuroo gets back up again and turns on the room light knowing how much Kenma doesn't like being woken up with it. "You suck" Kenma says. "I know," Kuroo replies smiling. Kuroo sets his uniform out and goes downstairs to wake up ToToo. 

Kenma takes his phone and looks at the time then goes back to sleep. 5 minutes later ToToo comes running into Kuroo's room and jumps on kenma. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" she yells. "mMMmM ToToo 5 more minutes" he says. "NO! Come downstairs for breakfast. Daddy made us sausage." "UGHHH fine" Kenma gets out of the bed and makes it up. ToToo and Kuroo laugh at Kenma's bed head and ToToo puts Kenma's hair into a ponytail for the morning. 

Kuroo pov: We all walk downstairs and sit at the dining room table for breakfast. We bless the food and thank my dad. We say goodbye to him as he leaves for work. I pull out my phone, take a few pictures of kenma and ToToo then start scrolling through tik tok and insta. Dad made us sausages and eggs for breakfast this morning. Grandpa was already at the shop and grandma was doing laundry in the garage. I look over to see how kenma is doing. Looks like he is doing pretty good. He's eaten half of his egg and 1 sausage. Me and ToToo are almost done. When we finish I take our plates and wash them. 

She goes back into her room and gets ready for the day, goood girl. We only have 30 minutes left to get ready and go to school. Kenma looks really upset. "Go wash up. I'll take care of this." I say. He nods then runs upstairs. I go ask grandma to pack lunch for us while we get ready. I put the uneaten food in a container and wash his plate. After that I go to my room and put on my uniform and start packing my bags.

Kenma pov: Today I feel different. Not the good type of different. I'm upset that I can't finish my breakfast. I want to so i feel completed but i just can't do it. Kuroo probably noticed that I was upset and told me to wash up for school. I never really noticed how skinny I am. Oh well it is what it is. I go to kuroo's room and get my uniform. He was in there changing into his. I grab mine quickly and go to the bathroom change and do my hair.

 After I go back in his room and pack my backpack. "Where's my game?" I ask myself. I start looking all around Kuroo's room. "C'mon we have to go" he says. "I can't find my game." "Look for it tomorrow. Let's go" he says, taking my hand and leading me downstairs. "Here you boys go, have a good day!" his grandma says handing us lunch. ToToo gives us hugs goodbye and instead of walking we drive to school because we are running late. 

Skip to lunch.

 On the way to school, Kuroo told me he would eat lunch with me so i'm just waiting for him to come get me. 

"Haha i'd believe that once i see you with a girl"

a/n: hey hey hey! thanks sm for 100 reads, it means a lot! Have a merry christmas (2020) and stay safe :))

oh also i changed the story's name to the ships actual ship name.

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