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A lone figure highlighted by his bright yellow hair stood in the middle of the coffee shop, his eyes on the floor as he swept. His hips swayed as he cleaned, a dance to accompany the song he was humming under his breath.

Denki Kaminari had been working at UA Coffee Shop for three years. The nineteen-year-old omega was exceptionally happy with his job, from the royal blue apron to the menu that he knew by heart, and loved being of help to the friends he had among his coworkers. He made an effort to know the coffee shop regulars by name and order, often greeting them with a terrible joke and a smile. Overall, Denki was friendly and sociable, a stellar employee.

Which is why, even after his hotheaded coworker Katsuki Bakugou closed up for the night and threw Denki the key as he left, Kaminari was sweeping after hours.

The boy's eyes were closed, a beatific beam on his face as he made his way around the room with the broom. His blond hair was tied up into a small ponytail, the locks that made up the ever-present lightning bolt dyed into his hair falling free of the hair tie. He didn't appear to have earbuds in, humming John Legend's All of Me until, at the final verse, Denki climaxed into full on singing. He serenaded the coffee beans with a charming smile, secure in the fact that no one could hear him.

Until, of course, he heard someone slam through the door, accompanied by the most vibrant- no, alive- scent he'd ever smelled on an alpha.

Hitoshi Shinsou was not in the business of breaking through coffee shop doors. Far from it, in fact.

The twenty-year-old alpha was in the advertisement industry, and was walking to his car to visit his eight-year old sister, Eri, back at his old house where his fathers and sister still lived. He remembered Eri asking for a donut that morning on a FaceTime call. With another child, he would've said no, but Eri didn't usually ask for anything. Hitoshi figured it was the least he could do for his absolute angel of a sister.

He was dressed in a crisp lilac button-down shirt and black slacks, his favorite tie (with the painting A Starry Night on it) hanging over his arm. Stepping into his sleek black car, he checked his phone and realized how late it was. Seven o' clock? Eri's favorite cafe closed at seven thirty! He put the shop's address into Google Maps (he'd never been there before) and put the pedal to the metal, desperate to get there before closing time.

By the time he arrived at the cafe, it was seven forty-five and there was no chance the store was open. Hitoshi watched a platinum blond coffee shop employee with spiky hair throw the key over his shoulder as he left. The blond stepped into a small red convertible with the cover up. Shinsou saw him through the car's back window, kissing the hand of the redhead seated in the passenger seat, who was giggling loudly enough to be heard through Hitoshi's car door. "The next step is doing that in public, Bakubro." "Tch."

Shinsou sighed. Couples.

When he looked back at the shop, the convertible having driven off, hope came back. Another blond, this one with a shade of hair more like caramel, was sweeping in the shop. Shinsou nearly got up, until he saw the tranquil look on the employee's face. A face that, if Shinsou was being honest, was quite attractive.

The man wasn't about to assume genders from this far away, but dang. If they were female or outside the gender binary, Hitoshi was going to go seriously assess his sexuality. If that was a guy, though, Shinsou would've asked for his number if Shinsou had any courage whatsoever.

Unfortunately, the alpha did not have courage. So instead what he did was silently watch the employee in what he insisted to himself was not a creepy way. Exhausted by a difficult day in the office, Shinsou's eyes drooped heavier... and heavier... until they closed.

And that was where the trouble started.

Though his eyes were closed, Shinsou wasn't asleep. The man's sleep schedule was terrible, and he'd basically trained himself to stay awake while technically being asleep, the same way a dolphin sleeps with half of its brain wide awake. Without his sense of sight, the alpha's sense of smell heightened, and he could smell the most amazing scent leaking into his car.

It smelled like honey and caramel and toast and his sister's hugs, the warmth that Dad's sleeping bag gave off when he'd needed cuddles as a child, the taste of Papa's waffles in the morning when drizzled over with syrup. It smelled like... home. The smell wasn't quite enough to send Hitoshi into a rut, but he imagined that could change under the right circumstances. Or under him, he supposed.

Almost in a trance and still half asleep, the alpha stepped out of his car and into the night, fumbling his keys as he walked towards the cafe. He rubbed at the dark circles under his eyes as he followed the scent to the cafe door, pushing at the door.

It was locked.

His eyes flared open, suddenly desperate to get inside. The scent was several times stronger now than it had been in his car, and he was only thinking in single words, like a word association game. Cafe donut sister pups family- he looked up at the employee- husband boy scent- Hitoshi readied his shoulder- home safe happy boy boy boy- he slammed through the door, whispering- "Want."


Hi there!

Um, this is my first story so idrk what I'm doing right now lol

Made Shinsou a guy working in the ad industry because that's a form of brainwashing haha get it I would put him in propaganda but propaganda is bad

I've been sitting on this for a while, I think it'll update every one or two weeks? I already have a lot saved in my files right now, but I'd like to pace my posting so I don't run out of material.

I think this will be relatively slow-burn, and I'm trying to target issues that I've seen in my life in the form of a semi-comedic romance. I really like omegaverses too because I feel like it's a really unexplored genre, what with consent being something people don't really think about when writing these.

This is definitely going to be the longest a/n I ever write whEEZE

Feel free to comment on grammatical mistakes if you find any, I don't want any errors in this so I've proofread it quite a few times myself, but I still could have missed something!

Apologies if my funny isn't synonymous with your funny, I can't change my lowest-of-brows sense of humor and my mind has taken up permanent residence in the gutter so this is a semi-smutty fic as of right now- we'll get into the real stuff later, fellow bros and hoes.

Feel free to refer to me with whatever pronouns you want lol I'm not even sure if I'm actually cis-

And fun fact of the week, "immaculate conception" is close in definition to "holy fuck."

Bye and thanks for reading <333333

-Gale (sorry for the long-ass a/n)

Scents - A Shinkami Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now