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   The omega braced himself for a question about who he had a crush on when he said truth. He wasn't entirely certain he'd be able to say no to those violet bedroom eyes. Instead, what he was asked hit him as a serious surprise.

"Um..." Shinsou looked unsure, picking at his cuticles. "Why were you crying?"

Denki must've looked shocked or confused or something along those lines, because Shinsou tried amending his question and explaining it. "I mean- because I came because Mina texted me that you were crying and that's why I came- so I just wanted to know if- maybe it was something I could help with?"

The omega looked up at this sweet alpha, who wanted to take everything bothering a useless waste of space like him and fix it with his own two hands. Denki broke into tears again, biting his lip as he looked into Shinsou's eyes, the taller boy looking soft and uncertain rather than hungry as he usually did.

He then looked around at the people around him, not just coworkers but a family he'd known for four years now, far more supportive and kind than his biological family had ever been. Denki looked down at his legs, and smeared at the tears while picking at the end of his thigh-highs and feeling stupid for bringing up his problems. "It's not serious-"

A hand fell on top of his and squeezed it, and Shinsou said, "If it's enough to make you cry, it's important to us. I promise." Shinsou looked at his hand on Denki's, almost a silent question as to whether or not the familiarity of the gesture was okay. Denki nodded and scooted a bit closer to his- the alpha.

The omega looked at his friends, hand in Hitoshi's and his eyes bright with tears. "I have been actively abused by my family since I was a little kid." He felt Shinsou's hand tighten around his own, the alpha's pheromones going darker and... angrier. Denki moved his thumb in circles around the other boy's knuckles, exuding the calmest pheromones he could. "I thought it was normal at first- cuz it was just some name-calling and I'd get hit often but it wasn't, like, bone-breaking. There was no actual blood. So I thought it was okay for them to do that."

"But then..." Denki subconsciously leaned against Shinsou's shoulder, almost for physical support, talking slowly like it was hard for even him to believe. "I did some research online and I found out that that kinda behavior's supposed to be called child abuse. And then I guess today I realized that- you know, being an adult- I don't..." Denki looked at Mina, who nodded encouragingly. "I don't have to deal with that." Tears tracked across his cheeks, but he was smiling like he'd been freed of a weight he'd been carrying for years.

"So he left," the pink-haired beta concluded with a proud smile. Denki smiled weakly, finally looking at the rest of the circle.

Everyone seemed stunned, but Denki's eyes landed on Izuku and his mate. The husbands shared a look, Todoroki's face more emotional than Denki had ever seen it (he remembered UA's shop owner had gone through much of the same from his own father as he looked at Shoto's burn scar) and Izuku fully in tears, his hands folded over his nose and mouth. The older omega stood up and crossed the circle, pulling Denki into a hug.

The blonde let go of Shinsou's hand, immediately missing its warmth, but he hugged Izuku back, the two releasing deep, cleansing tears. Kaminari buried his face into Izuku's scent gland, the familiar, motherly scent taking over his senses as he cried. Todoroki joined in the hug, a bit awkwardly at first, and then the alpha relaxed and the scent of papers, ink, and a warm campfire mixed with the other two men's scents. Mina jumped in as well, scentless as always but definitely a comforting presence. That was enough for nearly everyone to join in, save for a few of the friends who weren't necessarily comfortable with hugs.

Denki looked back, where Shinsou sat awkwardly, watching the group hug and probably feeling excluded. The omega pulled away from the group, stretching and wrapping his arms around the tall alpha's neck with a small sigh of contentment. Everyone watched as Denki hugged Shinsou warmly, a smile on both of their faces after Shinsou stiffened, and then wrapped his arms gently around the shorter boy, both breathing in each other's scents as naturally as if they'd known each other for years.

Of course, Shinsou accidentally botched the moment when he tightened his arms around the shorter boy and growled, "I'm going to kill your parents, though."



Hello, my loves!

Did you know you're looking attractive right now? Even if you're reading this at 1 am and it's dark and your eyes are sore and you think you look like crap- I assure you you're stunning.

SO first off- if you got this far, thank you so, so much. We're officially number 69 (sorry sorry I know I had to) in #whatamidoingwithmylife out of 8.2K stories. I couldn't have done this without your support, loves.

Did you see Shinsou's question coming? Like I said, what Denki's parents were doing is child abuse. Broken bones or not, blood or not, it is child abuse. Do with that information what you will.

lol not me over here still cackling like a hyena because we're ranked 69-

blessings and kisses -gale

Scents - A Shinkami Omegaverse AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu