Cafes and Kitties

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Shinsou winced at Denki's judgemental tone. "Okay no before you judge me-"

"Too late-" Denki interjected.

"-I had this idea to take you to scope out the competition and pet some cats." Hitoshi finished, looking self-conscious. His fears cleared when Denki's face brightened.

"Why didn't you say there were cats earlier?" He exclaimed, already exiting the car.

"Puppies too," Hitoshi added as he locked the car. Denki was already waiting at the door of the cafe, bouncing on his toes.

When they stepped inside, Hitoshi saw Denki immediately get ambushed by a pair of Pomeranian dogs that only came up to about his ankles. The omega let out a little excited squeal, and Shinsou smiled. This would be fun.

Once they sat down, Hitoshi filled Kaminari in on the plan for the date. Basically, they were going to every local coffee shop- no chain stores- in a five-mile radius, so they could compare the drinks to UA's, maybe improve some UA recipes in the process. The alpha was glad to see how excited Denki was for the date to pan out.

Shinsou ordered a black coffee and Denki ordered a white chocolate frappe in the first cafe, the omega sitting with an orange tabby cat next to him and the Pomeranians in his lap. Shinsou tried not to attract any animals (they usually didn't like him), but the one black tuxedo cat in the shop had ambled over to the alpha and plopped itself in his lap like the cat owned him, so he was absently petting the feline and talking to Denki when the drinks arrived.

Denki reached out with his mug, clinking it against Hitoshi's as a toast to their first official date. Shinsou then took a sip of his drink. He tried not to grimace.

Denki looked up from the dogs at Shinsou, then stifled a giggle. "You okay? You look... constipated." Shinsou shook his head.

"This coffee is bullsh- crap compared to yours," he wrinkled his nose. He smelled an immediate cheer to Denki's already happy pheromones, but he'd been being honest, not just a brownnoser. Denki's black coffee was something Hitoshi could probably be happy drinking for the rest of his life.

Denki raised an eyebrow. "You know, now that I think about it, I don't think you should have any coffee for the rest of the date. You're gonna stain your teeth eventually, or mess up your hormones or something."

Hitoshi raised an eyebrow right back. "You shouldn't have coffee either then. Being that your hormone levels are delicate and all and your organ systems could get screwed over by too much coffee." It was true. The alpha had done some research online when he was looking for date ideas, and it turned out male omegas couldn't drink a lot of caffeinated drinks and couldn't have alcohol at all. Basically, the long-term effects of these drinks worked a lot faster on male omegas than any other person.

Denki rolled his eyes, then smiled, ready to negotiate. The two amended their plan. They would still do everything they were going to do before, but neither would be allowed to have anything caffeinated other than what they were presently drinking. Once they came to an agreement, they finished their drinks as they talked. Hitoshi damn near used his alpha voice when Denki tried arguing with him for a full five minutes over who would pay. Of course, Shinsou ended up paying at his own insistence, and he made sure Denki knew he was paying for everything the date cost.

Before they left, Denki took what he called a "customary cute first date selfie." The blonde pulled up a chair next to Shinsou as the taller man held the tuxedo cat up. Hitoshi aimed for a smile, but he just looked tired next to Denki's beautiful glow. Instead, Kaminari kissed the alpha on the cheek, capturing Shinsou's surprised blush perfectly. Hitoshi didn't fail to notice that regardless of what the alpha said, Denki saved all of the selfies they'd taken.

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