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Shinsou was scared.

Forty-five minutes earlier, he'd received a text from Denki that said "We need to talk." No emotion in the text, no emojis, and actual punctuation of all things? Denki was an emotional texter; the blonde wore his heart on his sleeve. Something had to be wrong. He rushed out of his office immediately. He'd sort out the issues with his boss later.

The last three months of dating Denki Kaminari had been heaven, though it was stressful keeping his hands to himself. The alpha had made sure not to touch bare skin, not to go farther than heated kisses pressed against Denki's jaw and neck, edging along the collar of the omega's shirt but never below. He wanted to make sure that the omega knew that Hitoshi respected him, wanted to maintain boundaries he wasn't sure were okay to cross.

Was he too boring? It looked like Denki had fun on their biweekly dates and when they were talking over the phone, in the cafe, everywhere they could. Hitoshi personally couldn't get enough of the sweet omega; his scent and his voice and everything about him was intoxicating.

Shinsou steered clear of Mina's home during Kaminari's heat cycles, though sometimes he would catch himself driving around the neighborhood, worried for his boyfriend. After all, he and Denki had never officially established if Hitoshi had the omega's official consent during heats to come in and help.

Shaking off his anxious thoughts, he opened the door to UA and stepped in, waving nervously at the employees. The first person he noticed was Izuku Todoroki, very obviously glaring at him from the cash register. Izuku's mate, Shouto, gave Hitoshi an apologetic look as he waved back, then took his husband by the waist and whispered something in his ear. The green-haired omega looked up at Shouto and whispered something back snappily, but the taller Todoroki simply shook his head and pressed a kiss to Izuku's forehead, which seemed to calm him at least a little bit. Shinsou felt even more worried than before.

As he neared the counter, Izuku shook his head, refusing to look at him and jerking a thumb at Mina.

So the purple-haired alpha turned to Mina.

The beta was glowering at him too. This entire atmosphere surprised him. He'd thought they liked him. It was a bit weird how Mina treated him kind of tersely after the first few dates, but everyone else seemed fine before. Now, however, he could feel the glares of everyone in UA on his back, like he was a moving target.

Shit, was he walking into a breakup? What had he done wrong? He'd thought maybe... maybe he and Denki were soulmates. It felt like it every time they touched. Sometimes soulmates could break up... but he didn't want to. Maybe it sounded immature, but Hitoshi desperately wanted to stay with Denki. He wanted Denki carrying his pups, he wanted to grow old with Denki, he wanted to fuck Denki senseless as soon as possible. He couldn't do any of that if Kaminari didn't want it.

He reached Mina, whose hand landed hard enough on Shinsou's shoulder to be considered physical assault. "I sent the text," she said with a nod and a sardonic smile. "Now you need to head into the parking lot and sort out every. Single. Fucking. Problem. You two have. Or else I'm going to murder you in your sleep by pulling your intestines out of your sorry motherfucking ass and your family will never find your body."

"Oh," was Shinsou's strangled response.

Denki was folded over himself in the back parking lot of UA Coffee. Tears tracked down his face. He was so done.

The past three months of dating Hitoshi Shinsou had been pure bliss. That is, if you were a seventh grader. The omega was so well acquainted with his hand by this point that he could honestly say that he knew the back of his hand better than anything else.

He'd only ended up in the parking lot because he was taking the trash out. The parking lot wasn't actually a parking lot; it was a closed off space in the middle of the building complex with a tall garage door for the garbage truck. You could only leave through one of the buildings surrounding it. He'd dumped the trash in the dumpster out back and walked back to the shop. Denki had pushed at the door, then realized the stone they used to prop it open was gone.

He was locked out.

He pounded at the shop door, but it was thick and he knew there was no point; the sound wasn't going to go through. He could've sworn he saw Mina look up through the small window, but she just turned back to her phone, typed something out, then set it down and went back to waitressing.

His phone. He rooted through the back pockets of his jeans, but then remembered that he'd given his phone to Mina. He couldn't trust himself not to read through Shinsou's texts and over-analyze them.

He couldn't hold it together anymore. Something in him snapped. He was a nineteen-year-old male omega, he was hiding from abusive parents, living with his best friend who wouldn't let him pay rent to make up for his expenses, in love with a man that he was dating but wasn't even sure wanted him, and on top of that, locked out of his goddamn place of work and basically stranded until Mina realized he was gone, which could take hours what with how busy everyone was-

He curled up on the curb and broke down. It was all too much.

Forty-five minutes later, he heard the door creak open. He wiped his tears hastily, turning and starting, "Mina, I've been here for-" He saw Shinsou. "Oh." Denki scrubbed at his eyes, probably just succeeding in making them redder.

Shinsou was handsome as usual, purple hair a mess like he'd run as fast as he could to get to the cafe. Denki let himself fall apart again; he wouldn't have been able to hold himself together if he tried. Though Hitoshi was in one of his regular fancy suits, the alpha knelt to the muddy ground, strong arms immediately going around Denki. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Denki only sobbed harder, every breath causing his body to shake. The wanting was hurting him.

"You don't-" The omega gasped a shallow breath. "You don't w-want me."



forgot to say this last chapter >~<

i'm starting kiribaku (or i suppose bakushima)! set in same universe ofc

check it out when i manage to get it out loves :)

hugs and all the love,


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