
We were traveling in a plane to some place in South America? I think...to be honest, I didn't listen much when Merlin was talking about it. I'm worried about Skull and Crusher, as dumb as it may sound. They didn't do shit for me, but they were my only company for years. I was staring into space before I think about something. "Harry?" I look over at the older agent. "I'm sorry." I finally get to say it. "What for?" Both Eggsy and Harry look over at me, but I turn my head back towards a wall. "When you left that day, Eggsy apologized, but I...well I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'm sorry. I appreciate that you told me the truth. It felt like everyone was tiptoeing around it. And I needed to know. So thank you. I'm sorry I called you a bastard and liar. You didn't deserve that, and I've spent all this time with regret and guilt. I'm just sorry."

"As long as you know that nature of your mother, no matter what anyone says, is not your own, all is forgiven." I give a tight smile, and nod. Eggsy gives me a sympathetic look, and suddenly I can't take being in this room with him anymore. "Excuse me a moment." I say just loud enough to be heard. I rush to the lavatory for a break. Once the doors is closed, I let emotions flood out. All the pain and frustration and fear I've felt in the past few days just boils over and refuses to stop. It's like the tear dam broke. I love him, and I just don't know what to do. What have I done?

Eggsy P.O.V.

"You all right? You're slouching. I thought I taught you better then that." Harry says as soon as (Y/n) has left. "Let's not, Harry. I don't think you'd sympathize, and I'm not really in the mood for a lecture." He stands up. "All right. How about a martini? For old times' sake?" He asks from behind the bar. "Yeah, all right." I say before standing up as well. I lean against the bar as he starts to make the drinks. The urge to talk about it suddenly springs up on me. "I had a girlfriend. I think I lost her. And it makes me feel broken. And now, if this mission fails, I'll probably lose her forever. I know it's against Kingsman rules, having a relationship." He goes silent for a moment.

"When I was shot, can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind? It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind. Never experienced companionship, never been in love, and in that moment, all I felt was loneliness, and regret." That sounds...awful. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Just know that having something to lose is what makes life worth living." He grabs the glasses, and comes around the bar, handing me one. "Now, let's go and save your relationship with (Y/n)." I scrunch up my face. "How'd you know?"

"Please, you two were hardly conspicuous. Neither then or now." I smile a little. "I missed you, Harry. And so did (Y/n)." I admit. "Gentlemen. I hate to break up a party. We're nearly there, so I suggest we get ready. Follow me." We shrug and down our drinks. I'm about to go get (Y/n) to join us when she walks out. She walks over to us. "Martinis without me? Rude." She jokes. I notice her eyes are red though. She always tries to cover up her crying, but she always forgets about her eyes. But I won't ask what it was about. I already know what it's about. "So are we suiting up or not?" She asks following after Merlin.


(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Hey, hey. Looking good, Merlin." Eggsy says as Merlin comes out in his own suit. I smile proudly at him. "Feeling good, Eggsy." He hands an umbrella to Harry, and a case to Eggsy. "Right. This is yours. That's for you." He then walks over the the table in the center of the cabin, and pressures a button that makes it open up to reveal a weaponry. He hands a bat to Harry. "Press the 'S'. Minesweeper. Courtesy of Statesman." He instructs. "And what about these?" Eggsy asks, picking up what looks like a baseball. "Careful. Those are hand grenades." He picks up what looks like a case of glasses, and shows the syringe filled with a drug. "As discussed, this is for the endgame. I'm entrusting it to you." He hands it to me.

"And I'm entrusting this," he holds up a large machete, "to me." I chuckle a little at him. "We're nearly there. Be prepared." Merlin walks off leaving Harry, Eggsy, and I on the room. I feel nervous. Nervous that I could lose Eggsy. Nervous that I've ruined everything and now it's too late. But then I remember it isn't. That there is still time. I won't let this be another Harry situation. So I place my hand on his shoulder. "Can I talk to you. Please?" I nearly beg. He nods, standing and walking us away from Harry a bit.

"I love you. I didn't mean what I said about our jobs with Harry and Whiskey. I don't want myself to be what destroys the best thing I've ever had. You're sweet, and strong, and beautiful, comforting, funny, and more. I still want us to be together, even with all this. We're about to go into something that could get us killed so I want to make sure that you'll still think about me at home. I still want to hold your hand, and kiss your lips, and see that damned smirk for my eyes only. I want to love you. I'm not going to run. I want to love you." He doesn't speak, and I think I've said something wrong, but then he crashes his lips to mine roughly and desperately. I kiss back. It feels like that very first one all over again.

"So does that mean I was right for once?" He jokes once we break. "Oh, you asshole. Just kiss me again." And he does. Sweeter this time. But still desperate. Like if he stopped, he wouldn't be able to do it ever again. Considering our jobs, we have to treat each kiss like it's that last one though. "I love you too, (Y/n). It killed me to think you didn't want to be beside me anymore, and sleep next to me at night, or let me hear your adorable snort when you laugh too hard. I'm sorry I even thought of agreeing with you. I want you in my life forever." I just smile and peck his lips. "We're here." Merlin calls. "Let's go save the world." Eggsy says. "The sooner we do, the sooner we get to the after party." I say with a wink.


I peek through the bushes of the entrance to Poppy's weird little town. Four of us to at least eight guards? Yeah, seems fair. "Right. This is where we split up. Pincer movement. Merlin, you're with me. (Y/n) and Eggsy, you signal when we're in position." Harry instructs quietly. I nod, and I'm about to walk to my right, Eggsy following, when we all hear a beeping sound. We look down. Eggsy had stepping on a land mine. So much for the Statesman tech. "Dammit." I hiss quietly, my heart rate spiking. I'm not about to let him die now. "Don't move. You move, we die. Luckily, I have this." Merlin pulls some sort of aerosol looking can from his case. "This spray will freeze the trigger mechanism, give us a split second. So on the count of three" It's not much, but it's something. Merlin starts spraying. "... what I want you to..." We start running. I clench my eyes, expecting a large boom, but there's nothing.

We look back to see Merlin on the mine. He looks at us with a shrug. "Merlin, what the fuck have you done?" Eggsy says, eyes nearly bulging out of his head. "Our journey together began many years ago when your father did the same thing for us." Merlin defends. Harry walks forward. "Our journey began with a mistake I made. Give me the can. That's an order." He insists. Tears spring to my eyes. This couldn't be happening. "Can's empty. Split second's over. You three need to get going." Merlin says. "No, no, no. There's got to be another way." Eggsy protests. "There has to be something back on the plane." I suggest despite knowing there wasn't truly time.

Harry stops us. "He's right. Mission comes first." I look at Harry incredulously. "Bullocks, mission comes first!" Eggsy growls. "Eggsy! This is no time for emotion. Remember your training. Or we all die. Now get on with it. Do as you're told. Move it."
Merlin says sternly. "We can't just-" He cuts me off. "Go." I look over at Harry as if verifying he was on board. He nods. Eggsy let's out a small huff of sadness. No...He grabs the case, grabs my hand, and nods with a sad expression. I wipe a tear from my face. I won't let him die in vain. I'll continue of for Crusher, Skull, and Peppy. We walk away from the scene to our position. I squeeze Eggsy's hand tightly. A few moments later Merlin starts singing that Country Roads song he's always listening to.

"Almost heaven. West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains Shenandoah River." The soldiers slowly close in. A smart plan. "Older than the trees. Younger than the mountains. Blowin' like a breeze Country roads Take me home To the place I belong." My eyes flood with emotion, and Eggsys frown deepens as we look at Merlin. "West Virginia Mountain momma Take me home Country road." One guard gets close enough so he takes off his glasses, and head butts him down, causing the others to follow in. "Country roads Take me home," He continues to sing as he looks as Harry, "To the place I belong West Virginia Mountain momma," As he looks to us. Eggsy nods. I salute. "Take me home Country roads." I hide my face in the crook of Eggsys neck, but I can still hear the explosion. Yet another loss. Another goddamn 'casualty.' I need the rest of this mission to be a win.

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