Chapter 13

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This is the final chapter of the book and series. I'm crying a little, I'm sad to see it go, but I'm also like it's about damn time. I really hope you guys enjoy it. Maybe I'll make another Kingsman book, or maybe do Oneshots. Let me know what y'all think. Anyways, on with the chapter. Enjoy the end of the beginning ;)

Eggsy P.O.V.

"Are you sure I don't look like a dick?" I ask Harry, smoothing down the tux. He stands and looks into the mirror with me. "Look in the mirror. What do you see?"

"Someone who can't believe what the fuck is going on." I shake my head in disbelief, even more then when we first met. "I see a man who is honorable, brave, loyal...who's fulfilled his huge potential. A man who's done something good with his life."

"No one who needs a bandage?" I joke. "It's early, and it's (Y/n)." I smile wider, hearing her name. "You're not wrong...I owe you everything, Harry. Thank you."

"Don't mention it. You ready?"

"Not a doubt in my mind."

(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Ow, Crusher, stop!"

"It's my duty as maid of honor. Do you want this down painlessly or flawlessly?"


"Calm your tits, (Y/n)!"

She gives a another sharp tug on my hair before it's finally all in place. I sigh in relief as she drags me to the full body mirror. Everything is ready. And yet, I'm still both panicking and excited. "I'm going to throw up." I say. "You can't, I spent too much time making you beautiful for that." I look over myself, and I almost can't recognize myself. I was never a makeup girl, or fancy hairstylist. Instead of fancy clothes, I opted for flannels and T-shirt. And here I am, after most of the Kingsman reconstruction, cleaned up real nicely. White dress, perfect makeup and hair. "Oh my god, this is so fast." I start worrying.

Just then, there's a knock at the door. "Come in!" Crusher calls, ignoring my panic. It's Harry. "We need to get going soon." I give a wavering laugh. "Forever punctual, huh, Harry?" Crusher grabs my shoulders. "I'm going to give you a moment, alright? But you've got this, (Y/n). It's all going to be okay. You love him, right?" I nod nervously. "Then this doesn't matter, you'll look back on this and laugh at how stupid you're being." She leaves, and Harry walks over.

"Tell me I'm not making a mistake, Harry." I ask quietly. "Do you think this is a mistake?"

"I don't I love Eggsy, with every fiber of my being, but sometimes I wonder if that's a problem. Maybe something between us gets in the way of our job, or even the other way around, and we could die and then I'll be right where I started, and-"

"You're rambling."

I sigh. "I never thought I'd be married. I thought I'd end up alone, maybe in jail at some point, living in some shit dump or stuck with my bitch of a step mum forever. I'm so grateful for how my life has changed for the better, but I'm scared, Harry. More scared then I've ever been." Harry looks off as if recalling a memory.

"If you love him, (Y/n), this will all truly be worth it. When I shot, you know what I saw? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Unlike you, and Eggsy, I had no one to miss nor miss me. No memories to fondly look back on. It was all blank. You don't want that. You fear change, but you fear loneliness more. Trust me, (Y/n), you are not making a mistake."

I put a hand in his shoulder. "We missed you, Harry. I promise you that. You mean so much to both of us. Hell, we'd never have even met if not for you. So thank you, for everything. Everything I have, this future I'm walking into, is because of you."

"There isn't a doubt in my mind that I made the right choice bringing both of you in." He responds. "So, finally, are you ready to go?" I nod, putting my veil on. "One more thing, Harry. Um...I know this is last minute, but well, my father isn't around anymore, and I'd really appreciate if you'd be the one to walk me down the aisle."

He smiles, pride shining in his eyes, and offers his arm to me. "It would be my honor."


"Eggsy, I love you so much. I look at you, and all I can do is smile. You're an absolutely perfect person, and I can't believe you love me too. Because you're smart, sometimes anyways," a few chuckles let out, "and you're caring, charming, and funny. You make me feels safe, and loved. You make me feel like I have a family, something I didn't think I'd ever have again. Our future is uncertain, but with you, it doesn't feel so scary."

His smile seems to widen with every word I utter. I'm glad, I worked forever and them some on these vows. I wanted them to be perfect and all.


We have a small attendance. My friends, Eggsys family, Harry, and some Statesman members. And it's perfect. We exchange personal gifts to each other. "Close your eyes." I tell him. "Why?"

"Just do it." Finally, with a laugh, he does as I ask. Skull hands me my gift to him. "Okay, open your eyes." His eyes widen in surprise and excitement. "Oh my days, he's perfect." Eggsy exclaims, taking the pug puppy from my arms. "It seems like we had the same idea." Eggsy adds. I tilt my hand in confusion until his mom hands me the black labrador puppy. I gasp, and nuzzle my face into his fur. "He's beautiful, you wonderful, idea stealing, man." The night is filled with love, dancing, cake, alcohol, and a tiny bit of blood. I'm still a disaster of a human being, but at least it didn't get on my dress.

There are things in my life I wish I could change, people I wish I could have saved. But maybe if I had, I'd never end up with this ring on my finger, and the love of my life. I can't ask for a better end. Well, maybe this is not the end. Maybe it's not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

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