Chapter 3

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

We stand under an umbrella in the rain in front of our ruined home. Brandon...the dogs... Suddenly Merlin shows up. I clench my teeth, and pull a gun on him in anger. "Someone decides to wipe out every Kingsman property... every agent, and somehow... conveniently, you weren't at home." I growl. "I could say the same thing about you two." "What, you think I'd kill Roxy? And my mate, Brandon, and my fucking dog?" Eggsy exclaims, seemingly on the verge of tears. "No. You think I would? This thing hacked us. Clearly, this arm can be remotely controlled. I'm only alive because my address wasn't on the database with the agents." Merlin says. I growl. "Well isn't that just convenient." I hiss. "You address wasn't on the database my ass." "Whoever Charlie's working with doesn't think that mere staff are missile-worthy." "This ain't funny. Roxy is dead! Everyone's dead! Gone! Do you even care?" Eggsy asks. "Pull yourself together. Remember your training. There's no time for emotion in this scenario. Now... as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol. When that's done, and only then... you may shed a tear in private."

"Don't fucking tell me what to do." My hand holding the gun shakes. I still haven't lowered it. "I've lost too much for you to tell me that." I say darkly. Merlin doesn't seem all that concerned because he knows I won't shoot. I know I won't shoot. "(Y/n), just..." Eggsy puts a hand on my shoulder, and lowers my arm. I allow him to take the gun. Thunder rumbles in the distance. I let silent tears fall, masking them with the pouring rain. "Okay. What's the doomsday protocol?" "We go shopping." I give him a confused look. "What?"


We go to fucking winery? "We're from Kingsman. We'd like to buy some wine. And use tasting room number three, please." Merlin says once we enter. The clerk lead us to a room, then leaves us alone. "Not one of my predecessors has ever been in this situation before. Thank God. A-ha. Remember this?" Merlin says, holding up the medals of 'valor' once he's found a safe. "Yeah, how could I forget?" Eggsy says. "Whatever's in that safe is the answer to all our problems." Merlin says, and opens it. The tension builds up as the door swings open to reveal...a bottle of whiskey? "Huh. Is that it?" I ask. "I suppose that must be upper-class humor." Eggsy says. "I don't get it." "Me neither." Merlin sighs. I take the bottle out. "What the fuck are we supposed to do now?" Eggsy asks. "I think we should drink a toast to our fallen comrades." Merlin decides. "In other words, get absolutely shitfaced because our predecessors didn't think to give us actual instruction." I mumble.

"To Roxy." "Roxy." "Ooh. To Arthur." "Arthur." "Should we do one for JB?" "I think we should." "Don't forget Toby." "Toby." After we drank the bottle, and we were in fact shitfaced, Merlin was sobbing. I would've laugh at him in different circumstances. "I should have seen it coming. Charlie, the taxi. It's all my fault." "No, that's bullshit, Merlin." I say. "It ain't all your fault. You're the best, bruv. Honestly, without you... I'd have lost it a long time ago." Eggsy says reassuringly. "I think we should drink to Scotland." Merlin mumbles. "I think we've probably had enough, to be honest." Eggsy says, taking the bottle from me. "Party pooper." I mumble, my head on the table. "You're probably right." Merlin concedes. However, I swipe the bottle and take another swing anyways, drinking the last little bit. I look into the bottle and see a strange 'S' symbol on the bottom, with Kentucky as the location on it.

It looks similar to the Kingsman symbol, and it looks familiar. I recognize it to be on the corners of that medal Harry gave us all those years ago. Funny. "Guys? I think we're going to Kentucky." I hiccup. "Fried Chicken? I love fried chicken." Merlin says. "No, proper Kentucky. Look." I show the symbol. Merlin just making incoherent noises while Eggsy looks. "You know what else I love? Country and western music. Country roads Take me home To the place I belong" Merlin sings poorly in the background. "To Kentucky then." Eggsy mumbles. "Ugh! I don't wanna go!" I groan, face palming into the table again.

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