Chapter 7

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

Eggsy and I walk into Harry's room, me holding the little Yorkie pup in my arms. "It's all right. Don't panic. Just thought we'd bring you a little leaving present. What do you think? He's lovely, isn't he?" Eggsy says. I smile at Harry. "Would you like to hold him?" I ask. "Hello." Harry smiles, happily holding the puppy. Eggsy and I share a look, and our faces darken as Eggsy raises a gun at the puppy. "Do you think I should shoot him?" Immediately, Harry backs up. "Are you quite mad?" "What? What's the problem?" I ask harshly. "No! You can't! No, you'll have to shoot me!" "Shoot you? Well, I will shoot you." Eggsy insists. "No. No one's sick enough to shoot a puppy!" Harry declares.

"Well, what about you, Harry? You were sick enough to shoot a puppy! Do you remember?" We ask him. "You were sick enough to shoot a puppy!" Harry starts looking around in shock, before finally, he says, "It was a blank." "Yes, Harry. Yes!" "It was a fucking blank! It was a blank! I would never hurt Mr. Pickle!" "Yes, Harry!" "He lived to a ripe old age! He died of pancreatitis!....You're not Mr. Pickle." Harry says as the puppy licks his face. Harry looks over at us. "Eggsy. (Y/n)." "Hello, Harry." I get a little teary, and we each hug Harry. "Valentine has to be stopped. He has a device." I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's all right. It's sorted. Don't worry. We got a lot of catching up to do." Eggsy says with a smile.


We're sitting in a bar, different from the one I was at, with Merlin and Whiskey. "Merlin."

"Welcome back... Galahad." I smile happily. "Now that we've finished the debrief, Harry... here's a couple of welcome back gifts. First up... a brand-new Kingsman watch. Advanced software, it can hack into anything with a microchip. It is the bollocks. And Merlin..." Eggsy says, pointing to Merlin as he pulls out a pair of specially made Kingsman glasses. "I made you these."

"A-ha. Thank you. How do I look?" Harry asks after he removes the eye patch, and puts on the glasses with one black lens. "You look... Like some faggot lookin' for an eye fuckin'. Now... why don't you get out of our bar... before I take out your other one?" Some probably drunk guy says. I glare at him, but Whiskey speaks before me. "Now, is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, moonshine?"

"Okay. Suck my southern dick... bitch." I'm in the corner, but still go to lunge for him. Except Eggsy pulls me back down by the shoulder. "Oh, I don't think that'll be necessary. Good day, sir." Harry starts walking to the door, and I smirk.

"Well? What are you ladies waitin' for?"

"Manners," One lock. "maketh," two locks. "man." Three locks. He's gonna do the thing. I think excitedly. "Do you know what that means? Then let me teach you a lesson." Harry used the hook of his umbrella to grab a mug, and chuck it at the lead man. Except instead of hitting him, it soars past, hitting the wall. Uh oh. "Are we going to stand around here all day? Or are we going to..." Before Harry can finish he gets punched down in front of us. We help him up while Whiskey stands off with the men. "Now, that is not what I call a Kentucky welcome. Manners maketh man. Let me translate that for you." We just let him take care of it. Despite hating that he has to take care of it for us. I don't like this guy. "What's wrong with me, Merlin? I thought you fixed me?" Harry asks, back in his seat. "Well, we rebuilt your neural pathways. But it'll take time to get your coordination back."

"And the phantom butterflies?"

"You will experience episodes... lapses of clarity. You'll be back to normal soon." Whiskey comes up to us, done fighting, and smiling widely. "Whoo. I feel like a tornado in a trailer park." I scowl, and finish my drink. "Nobody understands you." I growl quietly. Nobody hears it.


Over the next few days, we hear more on the blue rash. It's because of one Poppy Adams, a drug dealer trying to legalize recreational drugs everywhere. There's been mass hysteria about it all over the world as the blue rash starts to cause people to dance. And now, it's time for us to get down to business, and save the world. We all sat in a meeting to discuss a game plan. "She must have some on hand. Locate Poppy, and obtain a sample for analysis. Maybe it can be replicated." Ginger suddenly cuts in, giving me a much needed break from hitting this brick wall. "Sorry to cut in, guys. But Charlie is on the phone with his girlfriend. Looping you in now." We can clearly hear that bitches voices, as well as Charlie's. "Don't worry. I'm on a payphone, covered in a fucking blue rash. Why didn't you tell me? All you said was, "Don't take any drugs." It was a music festival for fuck's sake."

"Fuck. Shit. Shit! Okay. Listen. You need to get to the lab in Italy. Do you remember where we went skiing?"

"Yes. Yes, I remember. Yeah."

"Meet me there and I'll give you the antidote."

I let out a sigh. Finally a lead. "Okay. All right. Jet's ready. Whiskey, Galahad, Lionheart, get to Italy." Both Eggsy and Harry stand at 'Galahad.' I cringe slightly. We probably should expected this. "You two need to fix this code name thing. And with all due respect, sir...I don't think Galahad senior is ready to return to fieldwork. I did actually mean..." Whiskey says. I bite back my string of curses, which gives Eggsy the opportunity to speak. "Of course. And with all disrespect," I give Whiskey a smug smile. "I'm not going anywhere without him. Brains, skills... skipping rope?" I huff out a laugh. "It's a lasso." Whiskey defends. "Whatever. Come on." Eggsy decides. "Go on. Vamoose." Champ laughs. I find a strange sense of power at the fact Champ is on our side. "Yes, sir."


"Antidote confirmed at the target's location. Good luck." Ginger says through the coms. We stand at the base of the mountain, looking up at the large facility. For a moment, in this snowy weather, I think of our first mission with Valentine. I remember the tundra where we watched Roxy be lifted to the edge of the atmosphere to stop him. In a moment of grief, I grab Eggsy's hand, and squeeze it. I let it go before he returns the gesture. Whiskeys stops Harry before we enter the lift. "Hold up. We need you down here, Galahad. To secure the control room." I bite my lip. As much as I don't like this guy, he may have a point. "Probably a good idea, Harry. Call you from the top, yeah?" Eggsy says. The ride up is silent, quick, and tense. "In position. Keep this cable car here till we get back." I say. "Roger that, (Y/n)." We go inside, and look for the door to the lab, which Ginger opens for us. "I'll cover. If Clara is in there, she could recognize you two." I decide.

I walk down the stairs as calmly as possible. "Hi, there. Whew. Sorry I'm late. You guys did not make this place easy to find." I say to the man at the table with cases of the antidote. "Who are you?" I put on my best 'do you really not know?' face. "I'm here to collect this antidote."

"For Singapore?"

"Yeah." I say in a duh tone. "You're Wu Ting Feng?" I nod. I'm thinking I've got it until a voice rings out. "Hey, how are you still alive?" It's Charlie. "River, what are you doing here?" I look behind me to see Eggsy standing there. "Hi, Clara. What happens at Glasto, stays in Glasto." He says as I swipe a vial. "You motherfucker!" Charlie shouts. "Goodbye to you, and your hoe, Charlie." I call as I sprint after Eggsy and Whiskey. "Sound the alarm! You fucking cockroach!" Annoying ass alarms rage in my ears. "Galahad, we're coming. All clear at the bottom?" Whiskey hurriedly calls to Harry. "Galahad, come in!" The door to the lift won't open. We all shout in panicky voice to get Harry's attention. Did something happen? "Open the fucking door. They've locked. Open the door! Harry, come on, we're in. Let's go." The door finally open, but, new problem, they don't close.

"Away, butterflies."

"Butterfly? No, Harry. You've got to shut the doors, please. Come on. We've gotta go now. Please! Shut the fucking door, Harry! Harry, are you there?" The doors finally close and we start going down. A sigh of relief comes from all three of us. "Well done, Harry. Good." I say to him. "You all good down there, Harry?" Eggsy asks. "All clear." I walk over to Eggsy, grabbing his hand. I don't pull away this time though. He gives me a little smile. A little smile I love. And for just a moment, I think it'll all be okay as we go over the window and waves down to Charlie in triumph.

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