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*Trigger Warning: Explicit Language used*


"I can't believe this." I mumble. The journey back into the village had my feet aching. I had been home for barely an hour and I already had to trudge back.

They were early. Too early.

There was something dreadfully unsettling by those words.

"I didn't think you'd come." Ivan says to me as I stand outside his shop. He was closing it, like every shop owner was. Every villager was spread out in the street, heading towards the village hall. There, the Rider's would present themselves and start the testing.

"I was tempted not to." I grumble, glaring at everyone that passes, their excited expressions already made my stomach queasy.

"If anyone was to defy the Dragon Riders, it would be you." He states, locking the door and standing beside me. He still reeked of raw meat but managed to look presentable. It was one of those rare occasions I saw him without a blood soaked apron wrapped around him.

"What's the point?" I sigh, following him as he heads into the crowd. "My life is meaningless, this test will prove that."

His expression darkens at my words, a deep scowl forms his lips. "Your hunting isn't meaningless."

I scoff, glaring up at him. "What does that have to offer me?"

"Instinct. And skill. Your twice as skilled at fighting than any man in this village. You know a thing or two about what it means to survive. You've been doing it all your life." His words are strong and never falter. It almost makes me look at him in a new light. Almost. Ivan will never change, his next words will be different, sharp.

"I had you." I mutter.

He snorts. "Barely."

"I forget," I growl. "Your only using me."

An emotionless smile twists his lips as we stand outside the village hall where everyone else stood. Every child had their face painted like a Dragon, decorations had already been hung, igniting a festive occasion.

Could it count as festive?

Children were being chosen to fight for their country, to give their lives to a cause they knew nothing of. To be taken from their home, everything they ever know.

Is this something to celebrate?

I saw it as something else entirely.

"This is a death sentence." I whisper to Ivan as he converges in a conversation with some of the towns men.

He hears me, but decides to ignore me as Mayor Blacken takes the stage. Everyone claps upon his entry, eager to get started. My gaze lifts to the sky, I was waiting for their arrival. Riders were all for the dramatics, surely they could not resist making a grande entrance.

"Welcome!" Mayor Blacken yells, his voice surging across the crowd, meeting the ears of those stood the furthest away. "Choosing day has finally come for Falor!" Everyone claps, cheering and hollering until they can't no more. "Momentarily, we shall start gathering every child to be tested! This is a grande day for all of us, those who shall be chosen will be remembered, honoured in Falor's history. But, not everyone can become a Dragon Rider. We must accept our fate as it is. Now, we will welcome the honorary Riders representing Palin Academy!"

Everyone screams in delight, awaiting the glimpse of a Dragon, only for it to never come. Instead, two figures ascend the stage and stand beside Mayor Blacken. The prime figure that was the main focus of everyone's gaze was a tall man, just older than me it seems. A Riders uniform was strange. The man was dressed in black leather armour. It matched his dark, rusty brown hair. From here I noted his tall, muscled frame, tightened by the leather. His skin was olive toned with a sharp jaw, straight nose and piercing green eyes. He held a leading aroma over his head. He was born to captivate every sole person in a room, he sure held the whole villages attention.

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