D Day

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December 19th... as the first snow began to fall outside the window of our little log cabin, the fire roaring in the fire place, filling the small space with cosy heat, I rubbed my hands over my orb like belly, stretched and swollen as if it were to burst at any moment.

My unborn child gave the slightest nudge against my hand and I couldn't help but smile, the bizarre feeling of something- someone, living inside of me had taken months to get my head around... just as I had managed to come to terms with the fact I was having a baby, D day was here... at least, what I thought might be D-day... my due date. It was hard to work out...

I mean it wasn't like I could attend ante-natal appointments like a woman I didn't have any missed periods to track.

I pressed my nose to the icy glass, watching flakes drift silently past my face, getting heavier.

"Where are you?" I grumbled, idly stroking the spot where the baby had kicked moments ago.
"Where's your Daddy hm? He shouldn't be out this long... not when yo- Ah!" My face contorted with discomfort as I felt a sudden tightening at the bottom of my bump, like an invisible belt was squeezing.
"Shit... " panting a little, I attempted to waddle over to the sofa and lowered myself to the cushions and lay back, taking a long draw of breath through my nose.

"Not yet ok? Not yet..." I whispered, more to myself than anything, eyes flickering towards the door.

My mate, my alpha, Naruto had been gone most of the afternoon, picking up some supplies from the nearest town which was a good two mile trek without the carpet of fresh snow to contend with. The sky was beginning to darken, turning a violent shade of pink as the snow came down thicker than ever.

Of course the tightening pain was not an isolated incident... there came another, and another, each one a little more painful than the last, occurring every fifteen minutes or so...

I struggled to my feet and began to pace the rag rug infront of the fire, fumbling with my phone and tapping out the third text to my lover as I gasped following the last contraction.

'You need to get home now. Run if you have to... I think it's time. Sasuke x '

As soon as I pressed send, my phone slipped through my fingers, crashing to the floor below, I reached out and grasped the mantle of the fire place as a sudden pain shot up my spine, knocking the air out of me, the squeezing pressure in my tummy made me cry out in surprise, I began to pant, trying desperately to breathe through the contraction as I gazed into the flickering wood burner.
"Fuck that hurt..." I groaned, trying to straighten up once it subsided and resumed my pacing, rubbing the small of my back with a moan, knowing the next one would be due any minute.

The sky outside turned indigo, getting darker, the only light was the moonlight and the glow of the cabin reflected off the fresh blanket of glistening snow.

The grandfather clock in the cabin ticked menacingly, reminding me of the agony that was time passing between each contraction.

9 minutes.

7 minutes.

5 minutes.

4 minutes.

3 minutes...

By this point I was on my knees infront of the fire, trembling with adrenaline and pain after hours of labouring without pain relief... I didn't want to run the bath in case I ended up stranded like some damn whale. I had to wait. Ride it out. He'd be here soon... that idiot.

God it hurt.

The pressure in my lower back had me screaming now, long agonized wails as I rocked my hips from side to side, on all fours, trying to get through each contraction which seemed to last longer and longer each time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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