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The sorting, feast and reunions were much needed, well I thought so at least. Even with the nonsense of Black and myself which I would never succumb to, literally never, it was still just as fun as it was every year. I sat myself down in front of the fireplace in an armchair that was still engulfing me and both the girls and the guys sat with me.

'Hey Eira, think you could help with the potions homework due tomorrow?' Sirius asked and I snorted.

'Wait, you haven't done any homework, let alone potions, over the entire summer?' I asked genuinely shocked.

'Uhhh no' He said and I stared even more.

'Will you ever learn?' I sighed summoning my potions essay with just a flick of my wand. 'I want to read it before you hand it in, make sure you aren't actually copying what I'm writing' I groaned.

'Awww you're still no fun Merlin' He pouted playfully. I just rolled my eyes in response.

'I'm going to bed, night guys' I said and heard Lily follow me quickly upstairs.

'I don't know why you let him use your homework,' She said, sounding genuinely astonished.


'You know, he's never nice to you, honestly he's a git to you especially in the last two years, but yet you still help him' she sighed.

'He's still my friend even if he's a gift to me, we were close in our first two years, but also I'm still best friends with James and Remus' I shrugged.

'And why you're friends with Potter still baffles me too' She shook her head.

'James and I have been friends since that train ride, you know that, I don't know what it is but we're honestly just meant to be friends with each other, he's like my brother now you know? It's like how I don't see why you're friends with Severus' I said and she got all defensive as per usual.

'Well' She started but I cut her off.

'Lily, I have personally seen what Sev does to people, just because he doesn't hate you and I, it doesn't mean he isn't a dick and a bully. Which he is, you just chose to see past all that' I shrugged and she just glared.

'He isn't really a bully, it's those Slytherins he hangs out with' She grumbled.

'Lils, he wouldn't do it if there wasn't some of that resentment already in his head. He's a half blood like me but he's called me a dirty half breed a few times' I sighed rubbing my forehead, I knew I was fighting a losing battle. 'And I have personally seen him bully, and nearly torture, some muggleborns laughing along with his deatheater wanna be friends.'

'Sev would never' She growled.

'Lily I would honestly put money on him becoming a death eater when we leave Hogwarts, tell me honestly there isn't a part of you that knows its true. You've seen what the others are like, Mulciber and Rosier. And they aren't the worst. Remember Bellatrix? She's damn on the verge of insanity' I started to shout getting angry now. 'I'm not telling who to be friends with and I'm not criticising it either. But you cannot talk about my friend choices like that without saying the same about yours.'

I had never been so angry with her and I got up and stormed out of the girls dormitory and back down to the common room earning a stare from everybody as I sat down next to James.

'Don't ask' I snapped and he nodded.

'Do you want to stay in our dorm?' Remus asked and I nodded summoning my blankets and pillows to go into the boys room.

'Eira, what happened?' Marlene asked, looking alarmed.

'Ask Lily' was all I managed before running up to my new dorm. I wouldn't talk to her until she apologised no matter how long it took. I was so angry. How could she criticise who I was friends with when she was friends with that monster. Severus and I had gotten into a few duels in our years at Hogwarts. Not to mention I had punched both Mulciber and Rosier when seeing them bullying younger students. Not that the teachers were surprised, in all honesty they'd stopped giving me cruel intentions knowing I was a lost cause on that front. But I had seen a small almost invisible grin on McGonagall's face a few times in catching me in the act. I knew she had a soft spot for me either way as I spent most of my detentions with her in her classroom either cleaning up from a lesson, transforming things back or setting up for the next day. I had debated a few times on whether to tell her what I was but I don't 100% trust our headmaster. Something seemed just a little off, call it an animal's instinct but there was just something that wasn't right. Not that anybody agreed with me and called me crazy, well what was new? The only Slytherin I could stand was Sirius' brother Regulus who I had talked to a few times. He was completely different from the others, and was genuinely a fairly kind soul. And clearly admired his older brother not that Sirius could actually see that. All he saw in his own words was the 'Perfect Child'. I knew that wasn't true, but I did hate his mother after the Howler he received on our second day. I honestly felt sorry for his home life. Mum had openly offered for him to come and stay whenever he had Euphemia and Fleamont. I felt sorry for all the boys in the group in reality it wasn't just Sirius, Remus would honestly and openly admit he didn't deserve to find love and that he was a monster which was just rubbish, Peter was always cast out and ignored, and yes I was guilty of that but that was purely because I didn't like him, not because I forgot about him. I still felt guilty turning him down in our third year. But I wasn't going to lead the poor boy on. And James, James was seriously misunderstood, yes he could be a bit of a bully, a big one sometimes, but he really did have that heart of gold. I wouldn't have been friends with him otherwise.

'Eira what's going on?' James asked nervously, stepping foot into his own dorm.

'Lily is a biased bitch' I growled still better. 'She questioned my friendship with you and Sirius, then I brought up Severus which she didn't like. How on earth does she have the audacity to say that you guys are bad friends when she openly associates herself with him?' I screamed, finally losing my shit.

'Eira, can you calm yourself, you're making the dorm room shake, people are gonna think, well, ya know...' He said and I burst out laughing.

'I remember those rumours' I snorted almost crying with laughter now, and remembering James standing up in the great hall last summer during dinner shouting that no way in hell would either himself or I ever be romantically linked helped my laughing fit continue.

'I know right, how stupid. Me and you? Honestly I think people have lost their minds' He said, still laughing.

'What am I not good enough for you Potter?' I asked with a straight face.

'Er no that not what I meant no don't get offended please' He almost begged making me laugh again.

'I'm fucking with you James, trust me I only think of you as my brother. Thankfully' I snorted.

'What on earth are you two doing?' Sirius asked bursting through the door and found me sitting on his bed facing James on his own.

'What?' James asked, cocking his head to the side.

'Sounded like you two were having fun if you know what I mean' He said and I just rolled my eyes at him.

'I would never cheat on Lily,' James said, shocked.

'I'm messing with you James, god neither of you can take a joke' He sighed lounging on Remus' bed.

'Hey we can' James pouted making me snort a little.

'So boys, you want my help to become animagi?' I asked, capturing both their attention.

Sorry it's taken so long to update, the holidays were crazy at work and now we're shut again due to Covid, so I should have more updates and have them fairly regularely. Cheers guys! 

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