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I don't remember that conversation in his office, over time I've blocked it from my mind, apparently that's what happens when you're exposed to trauma. Trauma, that's one way to put what happened. Apparently, according to James, I lunged for Dumbledore then I swore profusely at him, which he said was brilliant, and flipped him off as I left his office. None of which I can recall. But after finding out your mother had been murdered by the dark lord himself does that too you I guess. As I had always said she was my true best friend, and losing her made me lose a part of myself. James had found me by the lake, sitting there quite serenely apparently. I was so quiet he told me it scared him half to death, as I was about as quiet as peeves on a normal day. The headmaster had let me return with Euphemia and Fleamont who taught me most of my school and owl work from their manor until Christmas break, but I still refused to go back. I had agreed with the old man that I would return a month before my OWLs much to the dismay of my friends, and I still hadn't talked to Lily, not even at the funeral. She knew better than to approach me then, she Owled me most days from school even without my reply, as did Remus and James, and even Sirius on a rare occasion. I had even had a letter from Severus offering his condolences which amused me. I opened up at Christmas to James more, and all the boys, bar Severus of course, came to visit and I started to go back to my old self. Slowly I should say. But the time flew, I had enjoyed my time with the Potters, even under such devastating circumstances and my grades still flourished, they were both extremely good teachers all things considering. I had regular meetings with all my professors, McGonagall was most pleased with my efforts in transfiguration and I had been helping from a distance with the boys mission in becoming animagi, so much so that they had succeeded just after Christmas break. I had yet to have a full moon run with them but I was looking forward to it, no matter how dangerous it would potentially be. And we had all come up with stupid nicknames for each other, after finding out I liked to become a big, brown, grizzly or some other kind of bear just for my own safety if I came across anything they had nicknamed me Honey, as so James became a stag and thus prongs, Peter a rat and thus wormtail, Remus had been dubbed moony and Sirius had become a big black dog, and I had come up with padfoot. And so the Marauders were know known as Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Honey and Prongs and then came the ingenious idea for a map, with everybody in the castle tracking their every movement. Remus's own ingenious idea I must say, but they were waiting for my help in returning back to school. And that was only a few days away. Over the last few days I had moved all of my belongings either into the Potters house or into storage and moved all my mothers and my savings into one account at Gringotts, making it easier that switching between the two vaults. I had the deed to the house now in my name and everything my mother had once owned now belonged to me. I had never thought at the age of 15, now nearing 16. I would turn 16 in August, the youngest in the year at school. My family home, where I had grown up now stood empty and dark. I had refused to step foot into It for months, the fear of seeing it like that, with no life or love in it scared me. I had already mentioned selling it. Fleamont had said that if in a year when I'm of age if I still want to sell it he will help, but he wanted to avoid me making rash decisions until I had grieved fully and properly. Which I had, and now all I had was a fire up my ass lighting my way to help defeat the asshole who'd murdered my mother out of fear. Dumbledore had asked me about joining his order, The Order of the Phoenix, in a year or so, once I was in my last year of school and I had yet to let him know. I knew I would eventually agree to it, but the reality of joining and actually doing work to fight him was more daunting than you could ever imagine. I knew how powerful he must be to have defeated my mother, who I had never seen defeated, and that scared me truly.

'Eira, have you packed yet?' Euphemia had called up to me.

'Yes, I'm just coming down now' I called back to her, she had well and truly stepped in as my mother figure in the past months and Fleamont was the father I'd always yearned after.

'Ok dear, you'll side apparate with us to hogsmede after dinner' She smiled softly at me knowing how nervous I was. From what I had heard James had gone around the whole school threatening anybody who would bully me for what had happened, and from what Remus had said if anything about my mum was brought up. Which I was honestly grateful for.

'Thank you, both of you for everything' I said back, beaming.

'Hush you, you don't need to thank us for anything. We'll be sad when you're back at Hogwarts, bored even. I mean who can I duel for fun now?' Fleamont asked with a grin, the one he shared with his son.

'What am I? Invisible?' She asked raising an eyebrow.

'Now dear, I'm not going to duel you. You know full well you'd win in a second' He said and I burst out laughing.

'It's so nice to see you back to yourself. Honestly you've blossomed even more over these past few months, and my how you've grown. Oh you'll be fighting all the boys off' She said almost giggling.

'Now, now, no boys yet' Fleamont scolded making me roll my eyes playfully as we sat down to eat.

'You think James has let anybody approach me in my entire time at Hogwarts, I can't remember who asked me out but within hours they had horns growing out of their backside' I said roaring with laughter.

'Now that's my boy' Fleamont joined in with the laughter whilst Euphemia scowled with a glint of humor in her eyes she was trying so desperately to hide.

'Honestly dear, if you want to date you date. James wont be able to help when you find the one' She said and I just sat there quietly.

'Honestly, with what's coming, I don't want to find love. Too much room for more loss' I sighed and she now looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

'Eira, come on it's time' Fleamont said gently nudging my arm pulling me out of my own thoughts.

'Yeah, let's get this over with.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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