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It had taken some very carefully chosen words to calm and convince Euphemia Potter that Dragons would be the right path for me to take, and I seriously owed James a favour as I wouldn't have been able to convince her without his help. But she slowly came round to the idea after seeing how passionate I was about the subject. But I knew she'd do anything in her power to convince me to do something a little less dangerous. But she also knew nothing would change my mind. But the time had come for us to once again go to Hogwarts,

'Imagine the look on McGonagall's face when we have our career meetings and she finds out you want to be a Dragon Tamer' James laughed so hard he was nearly crying whilst the three other boys in the carriage just stared at me.

'You were serious when you said that last year?' Remus asked, looking shocked.

'Well he's Sirius, but I'm dead set on it, I was considering being a mediwitch but I want something that little bit more exciting.' I shrugged and they still stared. 'Oh my god will you close your mouths honestly.'

'I don't get what the big deal was honestly' James shrugged and I snorted.

'Well E, you're not the most likely choice if somebody asked me who out of our lot was going to be a Dragon Tamer, well Dragonologist' Sirius said and I rolled my eyes.

'And people said that about me being a beater as well' I said and he shrugged giving up on that conversation making me sigh. I didn't know when our friendship got so distant but it still made me a little upset. I had tried to see past his flaws and just didn't know what his issue was with me all of a sudden.

'Well Eira I think it's very brave, good thing you're in Gryffindor' Peter said and I tried not to roll my eyes into the back of my skull. Honestly I couldn't stand Pettigrew but put up with him as he followed James, Sirius and Remus around like a lost puppy, it really did annoy me.

'Oi, did we tell you what we were planning on doing to help Remus with his special time of the month?' James said and I looked at him intrigued.

'Am I going to hate this idea?' I asked, wincing.

'Probably' Sirius mumbled as I shot him a look.

'We're going to become animagi' James said quietly and I nearly choked on thin air.

'Oh right ok' I said, trying to calm myself down. I still hadn't told anybody about my little party trick as mum called it, not even any of the teachers had an idea.

'Want to join us on it as one of the marauders?' James smirked.

'Um well you see, it wouldn't quite work on me' I said quietly.

'Why not?' James asked, cocking his head and Sirius' eyes widened.

'You're already one aren't you?!' Sirius accused and all eyes fell on me and it went deadly silent.

'Potentially' I said, my voice rising.

'Oh my god you are!' James shouted and I glared at them all.

'Alright don't shout it that loudly, I was born one, mum's never told anybody and neither have I. It's dangerous if the ministry finds out' I said in a hushed tone.

'What's your form?' Remus asked quietly.

'Um, I don't have a set form' I said and their eyes all opened wide.

'You're an unrefined animagus? There hasn't been one in hundreds of years' Sirius whispered.

'I know' I said, 'Nobody can know, ever.'

'We won't tell a soul' Remus promised.

'You better not, especially Lily, you know she'll go mad going oh Eira you should really tell the ministry you'd already be in enough trouble blah blah blah. In all honesty I don't trust them, not with Baldymort or whatever he calls himself these days about, he's got the entire ministry under his thumb according to mum' I said in a hushed tone.

'You're joking?' Peter whispered.

'Nope, she thinks a load of them are under the imperius curse as well, so i'd avoid any jobs there until after this war honestly guys' I said and they all looked scared. 'Oh you can't be serious, you all know it's coming whether you want to admit it or not a wars coming and i'd be surprised if we all make it through it honestly.'

'You've got to have hope Eira' Sirius piped up.

'Hope's dangerous, it gives false hope. It'll kill most, I'm just stubborn. I'll be damned if some stupid, washed up, bald, batshit crazy wizard is going to take me out. I'm a goddamn Merlin. I'm not going out until I say so.' 

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