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'I can't believe you're going into your fifth year next week. Oh you're OWL's are coming. Make sure you study hard, not that you need it.' My mother sniggered as we got ready to go to Diagon Alley.

'Yeah yeah, you really think Lily of all people would let me out of studying' I snorted giggling with my mum.

'No, my goodness she really should have been a Ravenclaw' Mum sighed and I rolled my eyes. Much to my surprise she'd been perfectly fine with me being in Gryffindor, actually happy and hoping it would give me some bravery to protect myself. Not that i really needed it with James, Sirius, Remus and well actually not so much Peter. The Marauders, as they had named themselves after Sirius's mother, Walburga Black, had sent a Howler after finding out that Sirius was not in Slytherin. Mother had told me a bit about the Black's after hearing I was friends with Sirius. Walburga was a delightful woman, she was a cow according to mum, who believed in pureblood supremacy which was becoming a major problem with the rising of Lord Voldemort and his followers, and he gained more by the day. However mum was part of the force trying to stop him. She was an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, and a powerful one at that. I feared for anybody stupid enough to challenge her. She was a force to be reckoned with. Verbally and Magically. According to the numerous Owl's my mother received from Professor McGonagall I was growing up to be just like her. I had a reputation in school, especially if I saw anybody being bullied. I'd lost count of how many broken noses I'd given out and how many bat bogey hexes I'd used and I knew mum was proud. She told me every time that really she knew I was a good kid, that I stood for what was right and that I wasn't afraid to voice my opinions. Through words or through a spell. And that made her happy. Scared that I'd get myself killed one day but happy.

'Come on you or you'll miss your friends, besides I promised Euphemia we'd grab a drink in the Leaky Cauldron. Euphemia and Fleamont Potter were very good friends of my mothers.I can't quite remember how they met but they became even closer when they found out both James and I were in the same house, which meant many a Christmas, Birthdays and New years were spent between our quaint little cottage and Potter Manor. Luckily unlike Lily i didn't find him to be arrogant nor a toe rag once I had gotten to know him we had become more like siblings than anything else. Sirius and I however had drifted further apart. We got on ok but were not as close as either of us was to James. I didn't approve of his careless, loveless behaviour and the sheer lack of respect for women he had. But we pranked together and relentlessly mocked James' determination to get Lily to go out with him. Something I had sensed she'd started to enjoy. Lily was easily my best friend, we had jelled from day two at Hogwarts with both of us showing a keen interest and talent in potions. Professor Slughorn was mightily impressed by us both, and with Severus who was still Lily's best friend. Remus Lupin and I had come quite close through the years, purely platonic, as the poor boy didn't feel he was deserving of love due to his furry little problem as we called it. Remus was a werewolf and hated himself for it. Once a month he became one of the most dangerous creatures on the earth, but other than that he was the most calm, harmless and sensible person I knew. He carried himself in such a gentle nature which hadn't gone unnoticed by many girls at the school. But honestly they all dribbled over the Marauders. Well all but except Peter. But honestly I couldn't blame them, the poor dumpy boy wasn't the most attractive.

'The Leaky Cauldron' We both shouted as we stepped into the bright green fire and through into the Leaky Cauldron.

'Just in time, you're always late honestly' Mum tutted as I chuckled at her.

'And you're always over dramatic' I snorted at her.

'Now now, Fleamont is worse' I heard a voice and smiled brightly as I saw Euphemia Potter, who I held so close to my heart. She'd become almost a second mother to me over the past years and Fleamont had been great at giving me fatherly advice, something I sorely lacked.

The Magic of a Merlin (A Sirius Black Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora