The Begining Continued....

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'Good evening, my name is Professor McGonagall. In a moment you will come through and be sorted into your houses, these houses will be like your home whilst you're here at Hogwarts. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. We're ready for you' She said. She was an intimidating woman at first glance, and Scottish like myself. My mum and I resided in beautiful Edinburgh which was going to be a pain going to Kings Cross station 4 times a year, well easier for mum as she could apparate, but with me she liked to travel by floo powder. I stared at the enchanted ceiling as we walked through the great hall and were stared at by all the other students.

'Sirius Black' McGonagall called out.

'Oh you're a tricky one, but you'd flourish with this it better be GRYFFINDOR' The hat called out and he looked shocked and a little scared honestly. Lily Evans was sorted into Gryffindor with James, two boys called Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were also Gryffindor and so were the girls called Marlene Mckinnon and Alice Fortesque. And now it was my turn.

'Eira Merlin' McGonagall called out and i nervously made my way up to the stool and sat on it after struggling to get on it in the first place and the talking between other students over my ancestry, and James and Sirius staring at me like codfish with their mouths wide open.

'Well this is a challenge I couldn't have seen coming. All of your family in Ravenclaw, yes you're very clever, maybe the most intelligent mind I've come across in a very long time, centuries even. But no Ravenclaw won't suit you, you're too daring, too quick for that house. You're kind too but Hufflepuff won't do. Slytherin perhaps but your cunning isn't for personal gain. No it must be Griffindor. That might have been my hardest sort yet' The hat said and I just sat there in shock.

'Miss Merlin if you don't mind so we can sort the other students' McGonagall said nudging me.

'Yes sorry ma'am' I said walking nervously to the Gryffindor table.

'See I knew it'd come in handy to have you as a friend. And now we're housemates!' James beamed and I just sat there numb.

'James that's not really the definition of housemates' Sirius grumbled.

'What's the matter anyway, come on Gryffindor is great!' James smiled and I just sat there.

'I'm meant to be in Ravenclaw, my whole family. My mum's going to be so disappointed in me' I said feeling hollow.

'My family is going to go nuts too' Sirius said and I nodded feeling the boy's pain. Nothing felt worse than being raised to be in a specific house and it all changing before you have the chance to say anything.

'I'm glad there's somebody in my house that I already know and like,' Lily said, nudging me to get my attention.

'Oh yeah sorry' I said and she sighed.

'It'll be ok Eira, I'm sure.'

'I hope so Lily, I really do.'

'I'm Marlene, and this is Alice' the other girls who'd been sorted into our house smiled politely.

'Well I'm glad I have all of you to be friends with for the next 7 years,' I smiled softly.

'Hey and us' Said James, indicating to himself and Sirius, and now the other two boys too.

'Trust me Potter, sadly I'd never forget you.' 

The Magic of a Merlin (A Sirius Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant