Chapter 6: Girls

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JJ falls asleep five minutes after our conversation, and I doze off an hour later, my head on her shoulder.

"Hey, Emily, wake up," JJ's voice is soft as she shakes me awake. "We just landed."

I stretch for a moment before I stand up. "My bed is calling my name. If I could just snap my fingers and be home, that'd be great. I really don't feel like driving," I groan.

"I completely understand. Thank God tomorrow is Saturday," JJ responds, grabbing her bag and walking toward the jet's exit.

"I am going to sleep until two, and then I am going to get wasted tomorrow night," I wink at her before grabbing my own bag.

"Shit! I need to text Penelope and make sure she's free..." JJ's voice fades as she pulls out her phone and begins typing on it. Her phone buzzes a few minutes later as we walk into the parking deck.

"What's the verdict?" I ask, turning toward her.

"She's in!" JJ's face lights up, and for a moment I forget how to breathe. "What is it?" JJ asks, smiling at me.

"N-nothing!" I stammer, blushing and looking away.

JJ looks at me and raises an eyebrow before shrugging and opening the door to her car. "Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow at, what do you think, seven?"

"Yeah! Do you and Penelope want to come over to my place and just drive together to the bar?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

"That would be great. I'm sure Garcia will be in too! Drive safe, okay? Let me know when you make it home." JJ waves as she shuts her door and turns her vehicle on.

I return her wave and watch as she backs out before opening my own door and climbing inside. I lock my doors immediately and turn the key in the ignition.

To keep myself awake for my drive home, I daydream about tomorrow night. When I finally get there, I toss my keys on the table, put my gun in the safe, and collapse onto my bed without even undressing. I remember right before I doze off to shoot JJ a text:

"Made it home. See you tomorrow."


I open my eyes the next morning to sunlight streaming through the curtains covering my bedroom window. I roll over for a moment, debating on going back to sleep. I decide against it and glance at the clock on my nightstand which reads 1:30.

Even though I joked about sleeping until two, I can't believe I slept this late. I can't blame myself though; I did not get much rest during this last case. I wipe my hand across my eyes, and it comes back smudged. Great, I forgot to take off my makeup again. I grab my phone off the nightstand and see a text from JJ: "Can't wait! :)"

I stand up and stretch, yawning as I shuffle to my bathroom, a stupid smile still on my face from reading that text. I take a long shower, which feels amazing to my tired body. I stand there even after the water starts to lose its warmth, lost in thought.

When I finally get out, I throw on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. This will do until I get ready for girls' night. I make myself a cup of coffee and open my fridge with another yawn. It's empty. Again. I have got to get better about buying groceries. Not that I can cook very well...

I grab my phone and dial the number for my favorite Chinese restaurant for the fifth time in the past two weeks. My food arrives thirty minutes later, and I watch a rerun of Jeopardy while I eat. I bet it would suck to watch this with Reid; I wouldn't even get a chance to read the questions.

I glance at the clock after I eat. It's 4:00 now and probably a good time to figure out what I'm wearing tonight.

I comb through my closet slowly. Nope, absolutely not, maybe next time. I repeat these phrases to myself over and over again as I examine each option. When I've almost decided to give up and cancel the night altogether, I pull back and cock my eyebrow as I examine the short red dress hanging in the back of the closet. This is it. That's what I'm wearing tonight.

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