Chapter 24: Facts of Life

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Everyone is stunned into silence by Strauss' question. I feel my hand curl into a fist, and I open my mouth to speak, but before I can get a sound out, the room erupts into loud protests and the closest thing to chaos I've ever seen this team in. Everyone speaks at once, and it takes my brain a moment to process everything I hear.

"What do you mean which of them wants to transfer?" Morgan's voice is the loudest, and I hear the barely contained irritation behind his forced politeness.

"Yeah, neither of them can transfer. We can't break up our little family. This team wouldn't function right," Garcia chimes in, tears already forming behind her glasses.

"With all due respect, I hardly think this is necessary," Hotch scoffs, also seemingly shocked by the question.

"What are you talking about? Neither of them has had a decrease in job performance since they began their relationship, so why are you asking us this?" Reid's voice is sad and confused.

"Strauss, if you take away either of these women, this team will not be nearly as good. Don't make this mistake," Gideon surprises me for the second time in the past three minutes when he speaks up as well.

"Everyone be quiet! One of them will transfer," Strauss turns back to Emily and me. "I'll give you a day to consider it." She begins to head toward the door when I see Morgan and Spence nod at each other.

"Wait, I actually have an important question, ma'am," Derek says, causing our superior to turn back to face the table.

"Go on, Agent Morgan," she sounds vaguely bored, and I clench my teeth in frustration. She's turning our lives upside down, and she's bored?

"Would you prefer for me to transfer or for Dr. Reid to transfer?" Morgan's jaw is set and his shoulders are rolled back. Confidence radiates off of him in waves, and I can't help but smile at his support.

"I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to, Agent. Why on earth would either of you need to transfer out of the BAU?" Strauss sounds a bit irritated now.

"Because Pretty Boy and I have been together for just as long, if not longer, than Emily and JJ." Morgan doesn't break eye contact, and I know he's not going to back down from this.

"What? How? I-" Strauss sputters, struggling to come up with something to say. I get a bit of grim satisfaction out of her reaction, and I know the rest of the team does too by the smug looks all of us have.

"I guess you'll have your work cut out for you, trying to find two new team members to replace us and all," Spence says with a shrug.

"Actually, scratch that. I think you may need three," Emily adds, leaning back in her chair.

"What is that supposed to mean, Agent Prentiss?" Erin Strauss seems like she needs a drink.

"It means, Ma'am, that if JJ chooses to leave, and if Spencer or Derek leave, then I'm leaving too. Good luck finding a team that works together this well in time for the next case. From my understanding, this is one of the best teams the BAU has ever seen in regards to the number of cases we've solved successfully," Emily smiles sweetly as she speaks, and I have to hold back a smile.

Gideon stands with a small smile on his face. "Erin, I know fraternization between team members is frowned upon, but it isn't completely against policy. This is the best team I have ever worked with, and I truly think it would be a mistake to break it apart because of relationships that do not negatively affect our dynamic in the slightest. I've been here since the beginning of this department, so I need you to trust me here, please."

Strauss closes her eyes for a moment and sighs loudly. "Fine. But the moment this team begins to make too many mistakes, I will require the transfers." With that, she walks out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

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