Chapter 8: Friends

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Sunlight streams through the large window in my living room. I must've fallen asleep on the couch again while I was watching a movie last night. I stretch and groan a little as I notice the stiffness in my back. I have got to start sleeping in my actual bed.

I climb off the couch and stumble to my bathroom, turning on the shower before I undress. As the cleansing, hot water hits my skin, I think about the last case we finished. I shudder thinking about one of the worst serial killers still being free. My mind wanders, considering how many more killers must be out there right now. I wish we could catch them all.

I finish showering and pour myself a cup of coffee. It's Super Bowl Sunday, and the team is going to the bar together to celebrate and relax for once. I bite my lip as my mind wanders to Emily.

I wonder what she's going to wear tonight. Last time we went out, she took my breath away...

I shake my head and take a sip of coffee. What in the world is this woman doing to me?

I walk back into the living room and pick up my cell phone. Emily's number is pulled up on my phone for a full three minutes before I actually call. She picks up after the second ring.

"Hey, Jennifer! What's up?" Emily says, panting in between her words.

"What are you doing right now, Emily?" I ask with a laugh.

"I got back from a run about ten seconds before my phone rang," I hear her pouring water into a glass and wait a moment to respond as she drinks it.

"I guess I have good timing," I say, with a teasing tone.

"From what I've learned so far, I'd say you do. Right on time, and almost always a little early." I can hear Emily's smile through the phone. "So what's up?" She asks after a brief pause.

"Oh!" I had forgotten why I originally called the moment I heard her voice. "I was wondering if you possibly wanted to come over and hang out before we all go out to the bar tonight. We could get ready together too, if you want..." my voice trails off, and I hope that I don't sound too eager.

"That sounds great! What time should I head over? We're going to the bar around 8, right?"

"Yeah! You can honestly come over whenever. I was thinking about ordering some Chinese for lunch. Interested?"

"Definitely. I'm gonna grab a shower and pack a few things to bring to your place. I'll head over in a little over an hour or so." I can hear Emily turn on her shower in the background.

"That sounds perfect. I'll see you soon, Em." I hang up the phone and smile just a little.


An hour and a half later, there's a knock on my door. I take a deep breath and open it with a smile.

"Hey Jayje!" Emily says, giving me a quick hug with the arm not carrying her bag.

"Hey! I'm glad you could come over," I step to the side as she walks in.

"Whoah it smells amazing in here. What is that?" Emily looks around as she walks into the living room.

"That would be my new apple cinnamon candle," I respond, pointing to the counter.

"I love it. Your place is really cute," Emily turns in a slow circle as she speaks, taking in all the details.

"Thanks! The food got here five minutes ago. I'm starving," I walk into the kitchen, and I hear Emily follow me.

"Thank goodness because I am too. Wait how did you know what to get me?" Prentiss tilts her head to the side as she looks at me.

"Well, considering you've gotten sesame chicken and fried rice pretty much every time we order takeout during a case, I figured that would be a safe bet," I grab the food and a couple of forks, handing her one.

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