Chapter 14: Figure It Out

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Work drags by agonizingly slowly for the rest of the day. Every time I think it has to have been an hour, I look at my watch to find that it's been ten minutes if I'm lucky. The files in front of me become more and more boring by the minute. After I read the same sentence at least five times, I look down and check my watch again.

"Got somewhere to be?" Morgan winks at me as he walks into my office with Reid.

"Yes I actually have a hot date tonight," I roll my eyes at him, hoping he'll just assume I'm being sarcastic.

"Mmm well if that falls through, you can always grab a drink with me and Pretty Boy," he smiles at the younger man next to him.

"We're getting a drink tonight?" Spencer looks confused, but I see a spark of hope in his eyes too. I wish they'd just go ahead and admit their feelings for each other. I can tell Reid is in love with Morgan too. He does hide it well, but I'm a good profiler, even if I am just the media liaison.

"I'm pretty sure it's not going to fall through, but if it does, I would be glad to join you guys for a drink," I pat Morgan's arm before getting up to get coffee.


When it's finally time to leave for the day, I can barely contain both my excitement and my nerves. I'm going to have sex with Emily Prentiss tonight. Fuck. I can't even begin to process everything I'm feeling.

I'm nervous since I've never been with a woman before, but everything we've done so far has felt natural. It can't be that hard, right? I run my fingers through my hair as I wait for the elevator. Emily walks up next to me and gives me a small smile.

"Hey there," she says softly.

"Hi, Em," I can feel myself blush, so I look down. I glance at Emily's nails. It looks like she's been biting them again. I wonder if she's as nervous as I am...

We don't speak as the doors open and we step in together. Emily opens her mouth to say something, but Morgan slides into the elevator just before the doors close.

"Alright, JJ, what's the verdict? Drinks tonight?" Morgan winks at me.

"Nope, I am still on for my hot date, so I'll have to raincheck," I do my best not to look up at Emily when I mention my date.

"Fine, fine, I get it. Emily, what about you? Care to join yours truly and the one and only Dr. Spencer Reid for a couple drinks tonight?" Morgan turns toward the brunette with a smile.

"I also have a hot date tonight, but thank you for the invite. I'm sure you and Reid will have a good time without us," Emily rolls her eyes.

"Wow what are the odds that you both have hot dates tonight, huh? The BAU is getting a little busy aren't we?" Derek wraps an arm around each of us as the doors open and we step out to head to our vehicles.

"Yeah, how bizarre," I say, ducking out of his embrace while hoping he doesn't see how red my face is. Again. Fuck, why do I have to blush so easily all the time? "Bye Derek, have a good weekend. See you soon, Em," I stop quickly, hoping Morgan didn't pick up on what I accidentally just said. One look up at his face tells me otherwise.

"Wait..." Morgan smirks at me, and I walk away quickly as Emily responds.

"Bye, Morgan. Enjoy your drink."

"Alright, I'll drop it for now, but don't think I'll forget about it," Morgan calls loudly enough for both of us to hear.

I hop into my car and rest my head on my steering wheel. So much for keeping this a secret. I'm sure we could find a way to talk ourselves out of this though...

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