Slowly but surely the submarine rose above water.

"Okay guys there's an underground tunnel we have to get to. Try to stay alive long enough." Harry says and he pulls his hair in a ponytail. "Follow me."

Once we got to the dock we all exited the sub and bidding the captain a short goodbye. I follow Harry on foot towards some bushes. He tells us to stay ducked down as he crouched. We all follow him to a sewer tunnel at the end of the dock.

"This is the worst way but the safest way to the mansa bunker." He says and I frown.

I've never walked through shit to kill a mafia family.

He flags us to start walking down the tunnel. I tried not to literally throw up at the feeling of my wet boots being sunk into the disgusting water. Besides the sound of our feet sloshing in the water it was quiet. Almost too quiet.

Once we reached a intersection Harry stood up fully and pointed down the right corridor.

"Alright, Jane and Pluto you guys go down these tunnel and take anyone out you see down it. Matsuda and Jack go down this one. Me and Niall are going straight to the bunker." He says pointing at the halls and everyone nods at his orders and follow quickly.

I watched everyone fall in suit before joining Harry in walking down the center hall. We seen a door with two guys standing at the end. I pull out my gun and cock it starting to aim at the men. In Harry's hand you could see he had a knife in each hand and he was smiling.

That's not creepy at all.

"Hey! Code red! Code red!" One of the guards say as they finally spots us. One takes aim and before he could shoot I emptied my gun into his body watching his body jerk back and fall to the ground. Dodging the others bullets Harry dropped to the ground before he throws his knife knocking the gun out his hand and replacing it with the knife splitting it.

"Bulls eye." Harry grins before he takes the other and shoots it to land right in between the guards eyes. I shiver at the sight and take a deep breath.

"God knives are priceless. Did you see that?!" Harry asks me as I turn to see him with that arrogant smile I knew all too well.

"Cmon before anyone spots us again." I say and we jog down to the red door. Once we reach it we see a keypad that was keeping the door locked.

"Hey buddy do you happen to know the code here?" Harry says crouched down to the dead man he just killed before he shakes his head.

"God. So useless." He rolls his eyes. He grabs his arms and yanks down his sleeves to find numbers written on his wrists. I frown before he smiles up at me.

"Too many codes to keep up with so you gotta write some of the down. Write down the right one because the left is this door." He says before shoving the body down in the murky water.

I punch in the code and sure enough Harry was right. I push through the door and we were obviously greeted by another set of guards guarding a door.

They both quickly grab their guns and aim at us.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down guys." Harry yells as he throws his hands up. I copy him and throw my hands up as well.

"Who are you? We heard a lot of commotion? Where's smokes and Jim?" He asked and Harry looked to me and takes a deep breath.

"We're the Plummers." He says smiling and I frown.

"Plummers?" The guy asks lowering his gun confused at Harry's answer.

"Yeah. We take care of shit." Harry smirks before I pull out my gun and waste no time emptying out my second gun on both men catching them by surprise.

"We take care of shit? Are you serious?" I turn to him and He frowns.

"What? You can't tell me that wasn't clever as fuck!" Harry says and I roll my eyes before rolling up my sleeve walking towards the door for the second code.

"Maybe you could be a bit serious." I say reloading both of my guns while Harry punches in the code.

"I'm too excited. Ugh I can just hear the sounds of their screams already." Harry says as he pushes the second door open to find a luxurious living space that was empty.

"You are quite fucking insane." I sigh before I close the door behind us. We step in ruining whatever rug that was by the door when we looked around the quiet bunker.

The couches were empty and no one was in sight.

"Housekeeping!" Harry yells out before I smack his arm.

"Stop." I say through gritted teeth before he turns to me to start bickering with me and I smile.

"Why are you Mister Kill joy today?" He asks and I start to answer when a woman appears in a traditional robe.

"Oh thank god. Are you the guys that are coming to fix the toilet? Me and my girls have to pee." She says and takes her manicured hands through her full brunette hair and having her green eyes literally pierce our souls.

Harry and I look at each other before I think about it.

We can fix a toilet right?

"Sorry Ms. Mansa we're here to kill you not fix a toilet." I say and Harry throws multiple of knives pinning her robe to the nearest wall making it impossible for her to move without moving.

"I'll go look for the girls." I say and Harry smirks approaching the woman who looked very frightened and breathing heavily under Harry's gaze.

"Go ahead. I'll wait." He says leaning over the woman with his arm above her.

"I won't kill you right away, don't cry." He says before I walk down the hall to look for the girls. I approached the room at the end of the hall and kicked the door open still holding my gun.

I opened it to see girls all sleep. I take a shot at the headboard careful not to shoot them. They wake panicking and screaming when I kept the gun aimed at them.

"Get up! Follow me! Now!" I say and kick the edge of the bed making the girls get up quickly following my orders.

How in the hell was the older sister such a badass and these girls are spineless?

"Hands up." I sternly say grabbing my other gun and keeping it placed at the back of their heads as they led the way back down the hall.

"That's right. Keep walking and do everything I say and it'll be just fine." I say and as we reached the living room Harry watched as I pushed the girls in the middle of the room.

I reached in my bag and grabbed the duck tape taking turns making them sit on their knees holding their hands out. I wrapped it tightly around their legs and arms and not forgetting their mouth so I could stop hearing them scream.

"Alright what's next?" Harry says pulling out a tab from his back pocket and taking out a pencil.

"Hmm. Take out guards, break in bunker, tie everyone up- oh! Call Mr. Mansa." Harry says before he laughs and knocks on his head making me smile at his goody manner.

"I'm calling." I say grabbing the nearest phone and dialing the number Harry gave me. I put it on speaker and took a seat next to the phone.

"Hello? Mariah? Is everything okay?" A deep voice says answering the phone. That's when Harry approaches the phone admiring one his knives smirking.

"Yeah. They're fine Malcom Mansa." Harry says before he leans down closer to the phone.

"But not for long."


Okay evt is just starting and I haven't killed anyone.

But I most likely have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Love and kisses ;)

Free Spirit // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now