fashion modelling

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Girls mumbling,    boys waiting there in the fashion hall colorful dresses were everywhere in the hangover tools ,many girls were makeuping  infront of the mirror ,the sound of a music just starting out

   Three gorgeous ladies leaded infront by a blondy shell hot  girl ,she is the one and only Bianca portalopese dancing infront of a huge number of students wearing short dresses different colors, yellow ,red and blue in few minutes with the dance trick they were changing up the dresses.

   Many boys eyes  sticked on these hotties (Bianca,sandra and Diana)

    Maria,Eliza and Aless just entered the hall and started watching the show on a stand ...

  The guys were also there together ( Emanuel, Axel and marcus )
Until she stopped when her eyes met him (Emanuel)

Turned her eyes to the show again

    Macarena with the tailoring machine putting on her creative design on the piece of garment when some of the workers(a man and a woman) were stealing gazes at it they were eyes and lips froze

    Tannnnnnn and the song with the dance had to stop  everyone many boy students were clapping hardly.

people were like getting out of the hall when Axel and  some classmates were just walking  a girl was calling his name

  "Axel , Axel..

This was when he turned around to see Aless coming toward him


    Eliza and maria were putting on a not very happy face
Eliza putting hand over hand, shaking her head while maria  had a jealous face on becuase she has feelings for him from long she even wrote it all in her diaries.


  Aless:"do you have time now?"
           You know I need to understand this maths thing".

Axel:"okay sure".

Aless:"I'll bring my excercise book".

Axel:"I 'll be out near the grass".

Aless:"yeah okay", she flashed out her smile

   Aless with her excercise book walking toward Axel but Eliza held her arm
  :"wait wait"

:"what ?".

Eliza :"what you want to do?".

Aless:"study maths".

Eliza:" you are so selfish ,I can't believe you".

Aless:"what happened ?".

Eliza :"you wanted to go with marcus first but no he didn't last for two weeks and now you want to go with Axel his best friend  for what ,you are going to dump him in two weeks ,didn't he save you ?,he helped you ,you would be in prison now If not for Axel. he doesn't deserve   this kind of dealing he is a nice guy".

Aless:" (ah ahhh) I can't believe Eliza is preventing a boy, tell me the truth, whats up   .... do you like him?".


Aless:" you like him , ahhhh I can't believe ,O God this is a historic moment A boy attracted Eliza

Eliza:"No thats not true and slow your voice you are talking loudly".

Aless:"No ,No don worry am not going to be in between your first Love ,you can take him

Eliza:"stop it please".

Aless:"look he is waiting to teach me maths ,you know I don need any lessons on any maths but take it and enjoy"

  She handed the excercise book to Eliza  and walked in hurry

Eliza:"Aless wait ,wait Aless".

  Eliza froze in her place  turned around slowly staring at Axel  she made her steps

Reached him


Axel:"Hey, aless is not coming?".

Eliza:"um yeah  I think she has an important thing to do".

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