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Jorge returned to  his villa sitting in the coach interlocking his fingers under his chin thinking....
Sighed up   walking toward the balcony putting his one hands up on the balcony
And other on his pocket remembering macarena's bare face and how she hurried to her room, pulling his hands and moving his hair to the back saying :"thats impossible no she can't be her".

In the morning, the portalopese family having their breakfast when Bianca joined later

  :" Goodmorning beauties" she said

Rodrigo :"don't you have school today?"

Bianca:"no we have it off".

Rodrigo :" okay, I have to go".

Kissed maryanela on her cheek and lucas said
:"dad I want to go with you?"

Rodrigo :"ohhh, (tired face) okay come on

Maryanela waited till they left to say :" you really have no classes? "
Bianca:"I am a little tired, please don't say anything now".

Maryanela:"it wasn't an easy night its okay.(drinking a sip of coffee) uhh poor girl she was davstated

Bianca :" who are you talking about? ".

Maryanela :" that girl who is macarena's daughter friend".

Bianca put the coffee on the table sighing

:"you could ask about me too mom, I didn't win".

Maryanela ::"Bianca!"

Jorge came  to macarena while she was working
Everybody was looking at them
   Jorge:"Macarena, I am sorry If I disturbed you,  can we go out to talk?".
   Macarena :"jorge, I am busy, how about later?

Sandra and Diana came to bianca and together they all had gone to Eliza's house 🏡 where actually no one was there, that fits their plan to snick inside the house, sandra having  the backpack where the tools they can use are put, they managed to enter.

     At school Aless would sit with Eliza on the cafe, she seemed to smile but  hardly because everyone around was gossiping about her, Eliza looked around

    :"ehhm, I think people have enjoyed the show, of course they will talk, that happened to a girl anyway, a girl would put her head down, will get shy, what a shame".

Aless angry on Eliza :"I am not shy". (Hit the table with her hand). Standed up making Eliza's eyes blink went to those people talking , standed in front of the boy
    :"my boobs are what?"  big?  hell yeah so what

The boy :"(chukled) you don even have the right to talk.

Aless :" you don have a right to talk " she asserted

The boy:" you are wasting my snack time, please "(he took a sip of the drink and put it down)
Aless hold the drink and poured it all over the boy's 👖 trousers, Eliza( smirked)

The boy immediately Standed cursing her :" are you  crazy, she really deserves a slap ". His friends held him and Eliza took Aless away.


Emanuel Sandoval outside the school standing and inclined on his bike talking to a girl from outside the school, Eliza while heading out she saw them, standed still on her place,, Emanuel realized that she is looking at him, he kept chatting with the girl.,,with him being the listener and she talking. Eliza passed them pretending to be not looking.

  Bianca with her friends searching on Eliza's room

     Diana:"she has no makeup"
      Bianca:"I can't find anything useful"
      Sandra:"doesn't she has a secret?
        Bianca :" there must be one,, look at all those notes

(she brought the books on the table opened it one by one, and then there was a blue note she took it)
         "a love diary?" ohhaaahh bingo, lets seee

     "his green eyes were innocent, when he talks, everyone listens, today he said my name twice, that made my heart beat a million time"

Sandra :"ohhhh what is that , I didn't know she is a poet"

Diana:"read the name at last"
Bianca looked at the name and stood like a status, hiding the  love diary behind her.  Diana  and Sandra exchanged gestures of confusion.

       Hello guys, who do you think is the love diary for????

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