"My mum," he grins, continuing to glide across the room. I couldn't help but laugh, not at him, but out of amazement. I took ballroom classes when I was younger, yet I still can't dance like that!

Breaking my amazement, Dumbledore breaks through the doorway. I remember how Cedric wished me to speak to him, but it was just a dream after all. "Mrs. Diggory, a word?"

My eyes shoot like daggers straight to Cedric. I knew exactly why Dumbledore wished to speak to me. Cedric definitely told Dumbledore, they're like best friends or something.

I gulped and slunk over to Dumbledore, then he lead me out of the room. Silently, we started walking towards his office.

I had only been to Dumbledore's office 3 times.

1. Being bullied

2. Sneaking out

3. Failing a very important DADA test

I have to say, I'm definitely not on Dumbledore's good side, but he lets me slide most of the time. He understand my mental health issues and the things I've been through, even though they don't effect me anymore. It's like using monopoly money to pay for dinner.

As he does whatever he needed to to get to his office, I stare at my feet. "Daisy? Are you coming?" I look up and notice he has started up the stairs.

"Yes sir, my apologies."

"No need."

No sound except the clunking of our feet on the staircase.

We enter the room where he spends his time, and he shows me to a chair at the head of the room.

"Mrs. Diggory, Cedric informed me of a dream- or message you received while sleeping- is this true?"

"Yes but I really don't think it means any-."

"You never know, many students experience things similar and they could be very important."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Not likely."

I gulp.

"Could you describe this message?"

"Yes, whoever it was sounded like a man, and he said he apologized for interrupting my sleep, also how he's disappointed that he has to contact me through my dreams. He also mentioned something about how I was a main reason he came to the school as Alastor, and also mentioned my mother and something about messages to my father."

Dumbledore sits back into his chair and thinks. I sit and watch his expressions switch as ponders about what I said.

"Well, I think you may be right Mrs. Diggory, your subconscious probably made this up, but to be safe I'll keep an eye on Mad-Eye. I can update you if I notice anything, but if not, you're dismissed."

I stand up from my chair and push it back under the desk. "Thank you."

"Of course! To exit go out the door and down the staircase, they should still be out."

I exit the room and don't say another word to him. What a waste of fucking time.




"There you are! I've been looking for you bloody everywhere, and you've been in the dorm this whole time?" Cedric yells, shoving through the doorway.

I keep my focus to my schoolwork, not bothering to greet Cedric, "Why did you tell him?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act like a dumb ass, why did you tell Dumbledore about the message?"

"For your safety, it isn't a big deal!"

"He said it was nothing to worry about."

"Well that's good."

I still don't look up from the papers sprawled over my bed.

"I should probably mention, Draco's waiting for you outside of the commons."

I give in and look up, "He is?"

Cedric raises his brows and spastically shakes his head.

I jump off my bed, not bothering to clean up my jumble of work in front of me. Slipping on my sneakers, I grab my wand and head out the door.

"Don't have too much fun," Cedric jokes.


sorry this chapters short i just needed something to fill in the blanks ya know?

also sorry for the small amount of draco content, the next chapter will make up for it!

on a side note- almost 300 VIEWS?! AHHHHHHH

F O R B I D D E N   L O V E - Draco Malfoy x Daisy DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now