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pov of daisy diggory
The time passed slower after my encounter with Barty. Draco and I avoided him, and often skipped classes. Luckily, neither of us received any other messages from the man, at least as far as I'm aware.

It was finally the day. The first day of winter break- also the day I leave with Draco to head to the manor.

I spread my news to the trio and they haven't talked to me in days. They were devastated.

I packed my trunk with all my needed items. I kept my items- modest. I wanted to make my best impression to meet Narcissa.

My excitement raised by the hour, but so did my anxiety. Although he wouldn't be there, I'm entering the home of Lucius Malfoy, the death eater.

Draco has made it very clear to me that I am safe while his father is away, and from what I've heard, his mother is the kindest around.

"Are you nearly ready?" I questioned to Cedric, dragging my trunk towards the door.

"Holy shit Dais, how much are you packing?" I scoff and roll my eyes at him.

"Haha very funny, can you help me carry this to the main hallways? Draco is waiting for me."

"I'm gonna miss you Daisy," Cedric sighs, walking towards me. He uses my head as an arm rest while he peers down to me.

"I'm leaving you for 4 days, not 4 years," I squat to get his arm off my head. "Ahem?" I grab one handle of my trunk, and gesture the other handle.

Cedric hobbles over to the door and holds it with his foot. He grabs the handle with one hand, then flips around to face forward.

As we shuffle through the halls, students run around us. Finally, we make it to the main hallways.

Cedric dramatically let's go of my trunk and huffs. "Well," he opens his arms, "have fun, stay safe, and please don't get yourself killed."

"No promises," but I wasn't completely joking. I never informed Cedric of Draco's father. There's two things that would go wrong. First, he would tell father. Second, father wouldn't allow me to visit the manor. Not to mention he'd say 'I told you so,' per usual.

Cedric kisses my head and starts back into the commons, mean while I sit on my trunk, and wait.

I hadn't been waiting for long when Draco rounds the corner with a trolley, his trunk resting on top. He pushes the trolley faster and lets go, running towards me.

"Hello darling!" he wraps me in his arms and rubs my shoulder. "Are your excited?"

"Of course!" I move towards my trunk, as he joins me. "On three?"

"Sure, one."




Draco wasn't as strong as my brother, so I had to use more strength. We lifted the trunk on top of his.

"Why can't we just apparate?" I ask, beginning to push the trunks in the direction of the main entrance.

"My mum insists that we take the train, she doesn't yet trust me with such magic," he joins me and begins to push as well.

I laugh a bit but continue my way with him.

Around us, people are wishing goodbyes and happy Christmas', until the chatter quiets down. Footsteps, loud ones, sound behind us.

F O R B I D D E N   L O V E - Draco Malfoy x Daisy DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now