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(The quote above belonged to me, don't plagiat it)

17 Nov 2016

Beol's POV

"Let me sign it" Mr Song said while gave a smile at her daughter. "S-sign what?" Beol looked at her dad nervously. "The permission letter for entourage to the art gallery"

Beol put her sandwich on the plate, avoided Mr Song's gaze.

"You know, i don't like places like that, i don't like art" Beol said it slowly not wanted to sound rude."But you didn't give any try yet, maybe you'll like it after you visit the gallery and have some knowledge about art. Who know you'll be like your sis-"

"I can't be like her, she's different" she said while held her anger. Mr Song look at Beol with a sad look, made her daughter felt guilty. Beol sighed and took out the permission letter out from her school bag. "Here" Beol gave it without looked at her dad. He took it and signed it with a smile.

Beol took back the letter and grabbed her shool bag then smile to her dad before left the big house  and headed to school.


"OMG look at thisssss" everyone's eye now on a girl that just let out a scream, kim herin. "Look at all yeosang's friends. ALL OF THEM ARE SOOOOO PERFECTTTT I WISH I CAN GET CLOSE TO HIM AND BE HIS GIRLFRIEND"

Everyone laughed at herin's action and started to look at the post from Kang Gallery of Art instagram account. No one could denied the visual of each one of Mr Kang's friends.

"Excuse me, but who's Yeosang?" Beol looked at her tablemate with a curious face on her face. "Kang Yeosang the owner of the art gallery. You don't know?". Beol shook her head and continued to read her notes.

Hours passed, the school bell rang.

Han soohe, the class monitor stand at the front of the classs. " You guys need to give me your permission letter before you leave or you guys cant visit the gallery tomorrow"

Everyone walked to Soohe and gave their permission letter and left the class, meanwhile Beol still sitting and pack her school stuff into her bag." I think that's all, i'm leaving" He walked to the class door. "Wait" Beol walked to him and gave her permission letter.

"I thought you won't join us tomorrow" he looked at Beol confusely, knowing the girl doesn't even interested with art. "My dad wanted me to join" she replied with a sigh. "I'm leaving, bye" Beol left the classroom with a lil bit regret. If she didnt join them tomorrow, she probably could spent a day with studying for the last exam.



After put a light make up, two sprays of her rose parfume and wore her daisy earing. She grabbed her totebag and looked at the long mirror.



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