'Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you still in pain? Tell me baby...' Mew asked worriedly while hugging Gulf.

Gulf cry more.. 'I..*choked on sobs* ...B-boo~'

'Yes baby? Tell me...are you hurt? I'll take you to the hospital..' Mew is about to pull him up,but he keeps on shaking his head 'no' and he keeps saying 'sorry'.. Mew is confused as to why Gulf keeps muttering sorry.. He cupped the latter's face and wipes the tears away that keeps on flowing..

'Shhh...Baby,calm down...Don't cry na~...tell me what's going on so I can help..I can't see you like this...hurting.. Come here..*pulled Gulf to his embrace* ...calm down na~..breathe with me okay...

Mew keeps on rubbing his back,helping him to calm down..

...that's right...go on,breathe baby...everything will be fine..I'm here..you're fine...' With Mew's continuous coaxing,Gulf finally calm down..just some soft hiccups..Mew told him to wait for him and he will just get him some water,but Gulf's grip on his shirt tightens..

'I'll be back baby..I won't take long...' Gulf hesitantly loosen his hold..Mew came back with a glass of water. After drinking it,he keeps looking down while fidgeting. He flinched when Mew took a hold of his hands. Mew was hurt with his action.

'Is he afraid of me?..but why?' Mew wondered...

'Baby...' he starts...Gulf look at him with his teary doe eyes...

'Can you tell me now what's bothering you? Why did you cry? You know you almost gave me a heart attack when I saw you lying on the floor unconscious...

he said with fondness..Gulf look at him feeling sorry. Mew smiled and slightly nod his head to encourage Gulf to talk. Gulf let out a shaky breath before he opens his mouth..

'B-boo...I, I need to tell you something..b-but I'm afraid that...that you will leave me once I finished..' said Gulf

'Do you trust me Bii? *nods*....you know that I love you so much and I can't live without you right? *nods*...then...tell me..tell me what you wanted to tell me and trust me more that I will never leave you no matter what..' Mew said directly looking at Gulf's eyes..

'I..I'm a freak.' Gulf mumbled lowly.

'Why?..what made you say that you are one?' Mew is controlling himself not to get angry..He doesn't like what Gulf thought about himself... Actually,Mew already knew Gulf's condition,and he just realized that last night's incident is related to it. He's just waiting for Gulf to tell it himself. He's just shocked seeing Gulf unconscious with blood on his thighs. He never knew the extent of his fiancé's condition.

'I..I'm a hermaphrodite.' answered Gulf in a low voice...

'Isn't it a good thing?' Gulf is shocked hearing him. He is confused why it doesn't seem to bother Mew.

'We can have our own kids in the future...' he added

'Y-your not disgusted with me be-

'Why would I? That's a wonderful gift for us...I will have kids with the man I love..' Mew cut him

'Baby come here.... *pulled Gulf to his embrace* ...I have something to tell you..to confess actually...

Gulf look up to him confused

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Gulf look up to him confused...

..I...I actually knew about it since college..

Gulf stiffened,unable to respond with Mew's revelation..so Mew continue talking...

..I accidentally read your journal. That day I completely understand why you are not ready to be mine completely..

'I'm sorry..'

'Oh..baby..no need to say sorry... I totally understand..besides,I'm not after sex...I love you as you..as a whole..'

'Even though I'm-

'Like I said...I love you as a whole..and you being a hermaphrodite is a gift. So stop overthinking okay?' Gulf nodded and Mew kissed his temple..'you scared me earlier you know...Are you sure you're okay? *nods* No need to go to the hospital?'

'No need boo..I'm just tired and I forgot to take my suppressant when we elope..' Gulf said

'So,you mean..bleeding is normal?' Asked Mew

'Hm...I knew my condition when I first bled when I was 15...though I'm not like other females who bleeds during cycle..I often don't bleed..just heavy cramps...I'm not also regularly having it..' he explained...

'I never thought that you are going through this...but what about now? Where's your medicine?'

'I..decided not to take it anymore...I don't want to surpress it. I..I finally accepted my uniqueness..Especially now that I got to tell you about it..It felt like a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders...I will just take some pain killers for the cramps..' Gulf said and Mew is proud of him...

'I will support whatever you decide...I love you' 😚

Mew said before kissing Gulf..

'I love you too' Gulf said after parting from the kiss

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'I love you too' Gulf said after parting from the kiss..

After this,they spend the rest of the day cooking together,watching and cuddling

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After this,they spend the rest of the day cooking together,watching and cuddling...plenty of cuddling with kisses of course...lots and lots of kisses.


That's it for now...I'm going to write the following chapters first...

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Thanks for reading and sorry for the errors...

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