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Axis ran out of the playroom laughing loudly

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Axis ran out of the playroom laughing loudly...

🐼: Come back here you buffalo!

Mew yelled chasing Axis...

⚛: Why are you after me?? I'm not the one who kissed your son!

Axis yelled back...

🐼: I can't hit your son even if I want to!

The two keep on running around... Their wives are left in the room.

⚽: *smack Mild* Get a hold of yourself...

Mild pouts and Tong scratched his nape...

🚀: Uhm, son, why did you kiss Cale on the lips?

Thanari asked his son...

'Because he's my wifey.' His son answered him looking at Cale... 'Right wifey?'

The blushing boy nods shyly...

⚽: Okay... But, do you kids know what's a wife is?

'Eung.' Cale answered

'It's like you and Papa. While Dada and Uncle Scary are the hubbies... I am Cale's hubby.' Thana's son answered

The adults are stunned by his answer. These kids are really smart for their age.

🚀: Phi, what are we going to do?

⚽: I don't know too... But, if they continue like this till they reach the right age, I think it will be easier.

Gulf said. Thanari nods. Mild and Tong are confused...

💡: Uhm, what's going on?

Tong asked... Thana and Gulf shook their heads...

⚽: We will tell you soon...


The visitors left after tons of persuasion from Thanari. His son doesn't want to leave Cale's side. He only agreed when Thanari said that he'll transfer him to Cale's school this coming school year.

Later that night, it was Gulf's turn to tuck their son. He's reading him a story. But after the story, Cale is still awake... He's playing his fingers. Gulf knew that his little boy has something to say...

'Baby, do you have something to tell or ask Papa?'

Cale looked up to him and contemplated first before nodding...

'Go on, dear.' Gulf encouraged

'Uhm, is Papa angry?' Cale asked... Gulf frowned cutely...

'Why would Papa be angry? And to whom?' He asked

'W-with Cale a-and because I agreed that I am Khail's wife.' Cale said with his quivering lips...

I Live for you (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ