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Sighs... It's been a month since I came back but still, he wouldn't spare me a little time for us to talk. How can I tell him everything? Not only that, every time I tried,he always hurt me by pretending that he need to leave first to be with his new 'lover'. Even though I know that it's just a lie,it still hurts me. Actually,even if it was true...I will accept it. I just want him to know the truth,the reason for my sudden disappearance. The last time I tried to talk to him was three days ago. Sometimes I thought of giving up. I have my pride too,but what can I do? I love him. Three days ago, I decided that if he still didn't talk to me...I will follow his wish. To stay away from him. The things he said that day really hurts me. He thought that I will just give him some lame excuses. Athough I know that what he said is just because he is hurt too. But still,it went straight to my heart. I remember every word he said.

'If you're just gonna give me petty excuses like you were dying or whatsoever...just stop it and stay away from me.You're wasting my time.'

That hit me hard...is me dying is just petty? After he said that, I can see that he regretted saying it. But his damn pride is really annoying. I say sorry and left the place after that. And now it's been three days. I busied myself with work now. After recovering, my Dad asked me if I want to take over the company and I agreed. I'm glad that they changed now. I guess, me dying was my parent's wake up call. Now they made sure that they have time for me. Actually, no one knows that I am related to 'that' Kanawut..I always told them that I just have the same surname but not related. Even Mew didn't know. I planned to tell him everything after our graduation but sadly...I didn't get the chance.

*Knock knock*

Oh right, I'm at my office right now.

'Come in'

'Hello there my bestfriend/boss' my bestfriend/assistant Mild came in holding something I hate...papers.

'Is that urgent or..'

'It's urgent..stop slacking off will you' Mild scolded me.

'I'm just asking you idiot..besides,I am the boss..I can do what I want.' I said smirking

'Yeah yeah and what? go to that stubborn man and get rejected again?' I keep quiet hearing that. He saw my reaction and apologized.

'No,it's okay...you're right..I..I just wanted to clear everything before I start to move on.' I told him sadly.

I told Mild everything after I came back. At first he scold me like a mother,but at the end of the day..he is happy that I am back and well. Well,aside from him.. Tong,our other friend and Mew's bestfriend knew everything. But he promised not to tell Mew.

'hey~ what's your plan now?' Mild question brought me out of my thoughts. I smile at him sadly..

'I'll grant his wish. I'll stay away. If he wants me dead then..he could think that since I'm supposed to be dead anyway. Maybe it's time to just let go of everything.' he nods at me and patted my hand that is on the table and then he went back to work.


Fuck! I think I really went overboard. Of course I didn't mean every words I said...It's just that Ahhh~ why the hell my stupid mouth said that to him? I am hurt yes, but hell...I've been waiting for him to return....but now.. 😔 I really think I messed up. It's been fucking three days...No showing up,no calls or even text messages. What if..what if he gave up this time ? Shit!

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