21. Finale

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This is it highnesses! My third story will end... 😭😭😭




Gulf grimace because Kasan's blood, splattered and some landed on his shirt.

💩: Arrghh!!!

Kasan screamed in pain, the moment the bullet hit his hand that caused him to drop the gun.


After the gunshot, Mew with their dads ran inside. Mew inspect Gulf's body if there are any wounds...

'I'm fine Boo..' He assured his hubby.

'Thank God!' Mew said hugging his wife. Tan's men already took Kasan in custody.

They can finally breathe. Tia walks to them...

'Sir Gulf, Sir Mew... I'm sorry for worrying you earlier and thank you for my helping sister.' Tia said

Gulf and Mew nodded at her and they're about to leave the place when they heard a commotion followed by a series of gunshots. In instinct, the three ducked down, and Mew covered his wife protectively. After a while, they stand up.

'Are you okay baby?' Mew asked Gulf while checking him...

'I'm okay babe...' Gulf answered. Mew nods and hugs him and turned to Tia...

'What about you Tia?' Mew asked and Tia nods.

Tan came inside and Gulf asked what happened.

'Well, let's just say that the idiot proved how idiotic he can be by snatching my man's gun and pointed it toward everybody to escape.' Tan said

'Where is he now?' Gulf asked... Tan grimace and scratched his nape...

'About that... He's probably reached hell by now.'

Gulf and Tia gasped understanding what he meant. Mew hugs his wife. He knew that, though Kasan did bad things to them, Gulf didn't want him to die.

'Baby, don't think too much about it okay? It's not your fault but his.' He told his wife

'Mew is right cousin. He chose that. You gave him a chance before but he still chose to do this. And now, he's paying for it.' Tan said agreeing to Mew

Gulf could only nod to them. 'Let's get out of here. My sanity will leave me if I stay here more. I need our Cale.' He told his hubby.

They left the place. Tan told him that he'll take care of the rest and all of them need to rest.


Gulf fell asleep on their way. Mew carried him to their room. He didn't wake him up since their son is not yet home. After a good two hours, Gulf starts stirring and woke up.

Opening his eyes, he saw he's in their room. He abruptly stands up and about to run out of the room when the door opened.



Cale runs to his papa's arms.

'Oh~ my baby boy.' said Gulf hugging his little boy tightly

'Papa! Kel mish you tow much.' Cale said burying his face on the crook of his Papa's neck

'I miss you  too so much, baby.' Gulf said pulling away and peppering Cale's face with kisses..

I Live for you (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें