Special Chapter

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This is Cale, short for Caspian Kalli

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This is Cale, short for Caspian Kalli. Just like his Papa Gulf, he was born special. But a little different for he only has the female reproductive organs inside his body. His condition is what made his parents protective of him.

His parents vowed to do everything for his safety and happiness. Gulf and Mew showered him with so much love. He is now a three-year-old boy. Intelligent like his parents but he has a little difficulty with his speech. But, it's normal for his age and it also added to his cuteness.

Mew and Gulf hired a nanny for him to help them when they are busy with works. His Papa and Dada faced problems before he was born. And that one problem still tried to hurt them through him.


It was an ordinary day and Cale is in school. He enjoys going to school because he has friends there. The school ends and he's now waiting for his parents to come and pick him up.

👩‍💼: Baby Cale, time to go home

Cale lifted his head and smile cutely... He took his teacher's hand and guided him.

'P'Tia?' Cale asked

'Hi, Cale... Come let's go home.' Tia hold his hand

'Wer ish Dada en Papa?' The little boy asked

'They are busy and asked me to come and pick you up.' Tia told him and he left with her...

They are now in a car with Tia driving... She's shaking.

'You owtey Phi?' Cale asked with his doe eyes.

Tia can't hold it anymore and parked the car. She scooped Cale and hug him before she starts crying...

'I'm sorry, baby... Phi is sorry.' She keeps apologizing... Cale, though he's young, he knew that something is wrong with her phi.

He runs his small hand at the back of Tia to calm her.

'Ist owtey. P'Tia ish stong..' he said. Tia cried more.

This little boy is an angel. She calms herself and cupped Cale's face.

'I'm sorry if I'm not going to take you home yet but, P'Tia promise you that Phi will do everything to keep you safe from bad people.' Tia said. Cale is staring at her blinking his eyes from time to time.

She put back Cale and buckles his seatbelt.

'Wer we go Phi?'

'We're going to my place. I want you to meet my boyfriend.' Tia said... Cale gasped and put his hands on his face like in the movie home alone.

'P'Tia has bofwend?...but, wats a bofwend?' He asked frowning...

Tia giggles and playfully pinch his cheek..

I Live for you (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora