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Mew and Gulf were still sleeping when someone keeps on ringing their doorbell.. Mew got up to see who it was... He frowned seeing some unknown man standing in front of him.

'Who are you?' He asked. The man bowed and greeted him politely..

'Good morning Sir.Mew. Your mother sent me to get you and Sir. Gulf. Here,she wanted to talk to you.' The man said giving the phone to Mew.

Surprised at what the man said,he still took the phone.


📱: Hello son..

'How did you-

📱: oh dear...you think you can run away from your parents?

'Fine..get to the point then.

📱: aw..stop being rude Mew..We're not your enemies..

'Yeah? Says the one who wants me to be tied with someone I don't love.'

Mew mocked his Mom..He love his parents but,it doesn't mean that he will allow them to do something he doesn't want.

📱: sighed...whatever son...anyway,I sent someone to get you and your lover...You really have the guts to elope huh.. And the fact that your lover is a Kanawut...what would his parents say huh?

'We are old enough to think for ourselves. Why do you want us to meet? If you're just gonna-

📱: I'm not. Don't worry..Like you said,you two are old enough...So,don't you think it's proper to deal this matter face to face?

'what do you mean?'

📱: I want you to bring Gulf with you. Come with the man I sent,he will take you here. I want you two to face us and tell us on our faces that you two are serious with one another...Also,you two will also face the parents of the one I chose for you to call off the engagement..'

Mew is still processing what his mother said..Gulf followed him when he didn't come back to their room..

📱: Why? You can't do it? That's the least you could do. Besides,if you really love your man..you will do this. Unless~

'We will go.'

📱: Good. Now give the phone back and you two get ready.

Mew gave the phone back and the man handed them two pair of suits.
Mew took it and lead the confused Gulf back to their room.

'What's going on Mew?' Gulf asked worriedly. Mew told him everything..

'So? Are you okay to go or?' Mew asked Gulf

'sighs...you're mom is right. We can't hide forever.. Besides,if we keep hiding,avoiding the matter...we will look like we did something bad..If we really love each other...and I'm sure we do.... *Mew nodded* ...facing them is the right thing to do...' Gulf voiced out

Mew pecked his lips and caressed his cheek.. 'I promise,after I call-off the engagement,we will talk to your parents next....' Gulf smiled at him..

They get ready and wear the suits that was prepared for them.

At the hotel

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