4. Boys and Books

Start from the beginning

I opened the door to room 8B, our room, and first thing I noticed was the third bed squeezed into the corner that the balcony was closest to and the small desk in between our desks. And then I noticed the sweet brunette with blue eyes and tan skin sitting on the extra bed.

"Oh, hi there!" she said cheerfully. "I'm Hannah Guggenheim."

I shook her hand. "I'm Cassie Matthews. And this is Maddie Fitzerburg."

"Wait, did you by any chance run into someone today?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, how did you-" I started. "Oh, wait, you're that girl who was with him. The guy who said I have nice hair?" 

Maddie's eyes lit up and if she was a dog, I'm pretty sure her ears would perk up. 

"A GUY?!" she asked. "Spill, hon!"

And so me and Hannah "spilled" as I pulled out the books I needed for my studying. 

"I didn't get his name, though," I sighed when we finished. "What's his name, Hannah?"

Hannah gulped. "He'd kill me if he found out I told you but," she lowered her voice. "Jake Hale."

And thud!

I looked to see what Maddie had knocked over, turns out that she knocked over herself.

"MADDIE?!" I yelled. "Are you okay?"

"I think she's dead," Hannah joked. "We should hide the body."

"Don't joke!" I scolded her as I helped Maddie to her feet. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," she answered as she rubbed her head. "But did you really just bump into Liam Jones and not tell me?!"

I shrugged. "I guess."

"Cassie, you do not just get told by THE Jake Hale that you have nice hair and say 'I guess'!" Maddie said.

I sighed. "Look, I just don't really care how famous a guy is. Heck, I don't even care about guys," I said. "And as my mom always says, I follow the 7 Bs and BD, 'Books before boys because boy bring babies and babies bring death.'"

Maddie raised and eyebrow. "Come on, Hannah, tell her why everything she just said was rubbish."

Hannah just shrugged and answered, "Well, I kind of have to side with Cas here. Even if Jake wasn't famous, he's socially anxious, so he'd probably prefer a girl to treat him normally."

Maddie frowned. "Alright, maybe you're right, but, seriously, wow, Cassie! It's so cool that you bumped into a celebrity."

"He transferred to our school, Mads, we'll probably be bumping into him left and right." I rolled my eyes as I opened my Chemistry books.

"Hey, Maddie, can you tell me where the gym is?" Hannah asked. "I'd like to have a little work out."

"I think I'll come with you, I'll just pack my gym bag," Maddie answered. "You coming, Cassie?"

"No," I answered. "I think I'll stay here."

A few hours later, Maddie came back carrying a limping Hannah

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A few hours later, Maddie came back carrying a limping Hannah. 

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked as I rushed to check Hannah's ankle.

"I was practicing my routine for the talent show with Liam when I slipped and hurt my ankle," she answered.

"Can you move it?" I asked. 

Hannah winced as she tried to move her ankle. "No," she  answered. 

"I'll call the nurse," Maddie said. I nodded as I helped Hannah to the nearest bed.

"Cassie, you're going to have to call Jake," Hannah said.

"What?!" I asked.

"He's my partner, and he deserves to know if he'll have to find a replacement for me," Hannah answered. 

"Fine," I sighed. "What's his number?"

Hannah noted down his number on a piece of paper and I called it on my phone. 

As it rang, I mouthed "You so owe me" to Hannah, who just smirked evilly.

"Hello?" Jake's voice rang through my ear. "Who is this?"

"Um, this is Cassie, the girl you bumped into?" I answered. 

"C-Cassie?" he stammered. "What's this about?"

"Hannah," I replied.

"Hannah," I replied

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Hey guys!

Lia's back with another chapter! This phone call will be continued from Jake's POV next chapter, which will be published tomorrow. Also, big thanks to queenieexxx and Slytherinchick25 for being to incredibly sweet and for being amazing friends and reading my book. I really love you guys! Anyway, thanks for reading Chapter 4 of FS and stay tuned for the next chapter (because sometimes, when bored or want to see what happens next myself, I can update twice a day) and I hope you enjoyed it! 


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