Chapter Thirteen

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Zander's P.O.V.

Zander stood outside his house, and rang the doorbell for someone to let him in. Soon he was met with his mother opening the door. Zander's mom looked quite like him. She shared his natural hair color, black, and they both had sharply shaped eyes, although her's were more of a periwinkle, versus Zander's purple ones.

"Hey Zander," Zander's mom greeted, "Where were you?"

"Oh, I was just out hanging with Luke. We went to that coffee shop on Oak street. Sorry for not texting," Zander apologized.

"It's fine. Just try to remember in the future." With that Zander's mom fully opened the door, and stepped to the side so Zander could get inside. Zander walked past the living room, to get to the staircase.

"Hey Zander," Zander heard Hailey's dad greet from the couch.

"Hi Will," Zander replied. While Zander and Hailey definitely had a sibling relationship, neither of them had a parent to child type relationship with their step-parents. Not that they had any type of bad relationship; it wasn't anything like that. Hailey's dad felt more like an Uncle to Zander than anything. Pretty early on, they discovered it felt awkward whenever Hailey would call Zander's mother, "Step-mother" or Zander would call Hailey's dad, "Step-dad," so they just opted to call them by their first names when speaking directly to them.

"I haven't seen Luke in a while," Zander's mom remarked from the kitchen. They had one of those house set-ups where the living room and kitchen were pretty much connected, "When was the last time he came over here?"

Zander thought about it for a bit. It had been a while since Luke had come over. Zander wasn't sure why; just like how they hadn't hung out one on one in a while, which meant he hadn't come over in a while either.

"I'm not sure when the last time was," Zander answered. A thought popped into his, "Oh, but if it's okay he should be coming over Sunday. Along with the rest of the music club. Hailey wanted to do out of school rehearsals. I don't know if she's mentioned it yet, but would that be okay?"

"Of course! Just don't try to let these rehearsals go past six."

"Thanks," Zander said as he turned to go up the stairs. He went to his doorway, to find his door mostly closed. He pulled his door open all the way, to see Hailey looking around Zander's room.

"Oh my God! Hailey!" Zander jumped back a little, "You scared me." He hadn't expected to see Hailey in there and was taken aback. Hailey turned around to face Zander.

"Nice to see you too," she said somewhat mockingly.

Zander let out a noise that was a combination of a sigh and a groan, "What are you even doing in here?"

Hailey pulled out a large book from Zander's bookshelf, "I left my chemistry textbook in my locker, so I went to go get yours. You weren't home when I first came here, and I just assumed it would be fine." Hailey held the book to her chest. Zander now realized it was his chemistry textbook from last semester.

"Yeah, it's fine. I just didn't expect to see you. I didn't even think you were home. I thought you were working on music tracks with Sean or something."

"I was," Hailey said, "But he only really needed my advice on a couple of things before he was good to be on his own, so it only took about half an hour. And school ended over an hour ago. Which leads me to my question: where were you?"

"I was just hanging out with Luke."

"Where?" Hailey asked.

"That coffee shop on oak street. I think you've been there at least once."

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