They danced and jumped around, rain soaked her dress and she didn't seem so bothered with her makeup smearing like she always had. Their ankles were caked in mud and his mom knew the real reason she was upset with him for dirtying his clothes was because they couldn't afford new ones if the stains didn't come out. But Jungkook was twelve and far too smart for his age, she saw how he started to work harder at school and heard him tell her that he would buy her a new house, one that wasn't falling apart. So she decided to let him let go, and under the raindrops, she let go with him.

Jungkook rolled up the window, shutting his car off in the parking lot outside of the dance studio and clutched the handle of his repair bag as he walked in. He ignored stares of teenage girls in pointe shoes and the giggles that followed as he walked past them.

It was a small studio off campus that partnered with the university. They offered internships and jobs to new graduates, something that made it a hub for kids to learn dance and alumni to become teachers.

The room number he was given was found easily, the space empty except for the familiar woman. Sunjin was stretching on the floor, her head shooting up at the echoed sound of footsteps.

"Jungkook-ah! Is it finished already?"

He nodded quickly, opening his bag and holding out the laptop. She took it with wonder in her brown eyes, as if it was brand new with a bow on it and not just repaired. Before he could prepare himself she threw an arm around his neck to pull him into a hug. He patted her back briefly before stumbling back, a red flush covering his face.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed, oblivious to his behavior. They'd know each other for a few months, often chatting as they waited for Taehyung to wake up with his shirt missing and on her back.

She dug through her dance back to pull out her wallet, stuffing the money into Jungkook's hand.

"You're the best, I'm sending anyone who needs a repair your way."

He didn't reply, simply smiled shyly and bowed as he backed his way out. She appeared unbothered, used to Jungkook's shy nature as he turned back to the mirrored wall and began to stretch again.

A door opened as he walked down the hall, a flood of young kids pouring out around him, grabbing their backpacks from the cubbies. Jungkook's eyes grew wide, trying to get out of the space with children running around him and his path. So focused on not stepping on any tiny feet that he didn't even notice he was stumbling until he fell against the cement floor.

A few of the children giggled, others thankfully distracted by hurrying downstairs to their parents. In front of him a hand was held out to him, the familiar glint of a silver ring on the middle finger.

"We really have to stop meeting like this Jungkook-ssi."

Christ, let the floor swallow him whole, now.

He took the hand, allowing himself to be pulled up and met with a wide grin and crescent shaped brown eyes. Jimin was free of all makeup he had on the other night, instead his skin glowed even under the fluorescent lights. He was wearing white again, forcing Jungkook to try not to look at what was showing through the sheer fabric.

He shook himself out of the daze, retracting his hand as he held his bag tighter. He must have been staring for a full minute, not a single child left in sight. By the looks of Jimin's face, if that was true he clearly hadn't minded the attention.

"I didn't- I didn't know that you came here," He stammered, knuckles now white from gripping.

There was something mischievous in the other's gaze, clearly wanting to tease him for his behavior but instead he shrugged, running his fingers through his blonde hair.

Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby // jikookМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя