5th Year: The Hogsmeade Date

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Roses' hand flew out and through it around a couple of times before she finally turned off the alarm clock. Grumbling, she turned the other way and almost fell back asleep. Key word: almost.

"Rise and shine gorgeous!" Dom threw off her covers, then proceeded to do the same with Roses'.

"No...a few more min..."

Dom shook her head. "Nuh-uh. A couple more minutes becomes twenty minutes and before you know it, a whole hour will pass. Get up!"

She sighed, but agreed. Rose valued her sleep like it was the best thing to ever happen- plus she did have a tendency to sleep in.

"Rose, are you not forgetting something?" Dom inquired.

"What? We don't have classes- it's Saturday."

Dom kicked her bed. "Not school silly! You have a..." Dom stopped short, hoping Rose could finish her sentence. Instead she just pulled her blacket back up and turned away.

Dom's face fell. "You have a date. With Jacob Mclacking? Now get up and get ready!"

Rose's eyes flew open and she jumped out of bed. "Merlin, why didn't you say that earlier?" Just a week ago, Jacob had planned a date. Since the weekends were open for trips to Hogsmeade, they planned to go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. Yes, you heard that correctly, Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop. The thought of even setting foot into that shop mortified her but Jacob and Dom had managed to convince her. The date had totally slipped her mind and Rose scurried to the bathroom to get ready.

"Ooh, I can do your makeup?" Dom batted her eyes at her cousin. What's the harm? Dom was really good at makeup. Rose often pushed Dom to pursue an art career considering her talent but Dom was always in denial of her skills.

Dom finally finished slapping Rose's face with Merlin knows what. All that mattered was the final result and Rose was quite pleased. She didn't look like a whole new person, which Rose was thankful for. They decided to keep it simple. Rose's eyelashes were much more prominent and her lips looked slightly fuller. Her usually frizzy hair was tamed and shiny. Rose already had a little bit of curls going on and it was just perfect.

"You did it again Dom."

"Thank me later." She winked and dragged her down to the dining hall where they would meet with Jacob. Rose insisted that they brought Dom along with them considering she had just gone through her most recent breakup.

"Rose! You look beautiful." Jacob had come up from the other side and gave her a quick peck on the lips. He looked her up and down then slightly scrunched his nose.

"What? Is something wrong" Rose gently touched her face, hoping her breakfast wasn't visible.

"Er...No its just that, well...I thought you would be more put together."

Now it was Dom's time to react. "More put together?" She scoffed. "What is she, a doll? She looks fine just the way she is."

"No, yeah of course. But we're on a date, so I was expecting her to dress accordingly."

"And what exactly is wrong with her outfit? Are you insulting my taste in fashion?" Dom couldn't say she was as excited for Rose to go on this date anymore. Something about this guy just put her off...

"No! I guess-"

"Her blouse is lovely and her skirt matches her shoes. She likes it and so do I. Are you requesting she changes just because you are not fond of it?" Her harsh tone made it clear that anymore backtalk would not be taken lightly.

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