Chapter 19

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Rose dragged her little brother across the busy alley. The scorching sun shone down on them and heated up the tiny town like an oven. Like every year, Diagon Alley was at its population peak today. Crowds of families swarmed in and out of the tiny shops, and up and down the narrow street, rushing to get their school supplies.

"I can't believe you got lost." Rose huffed, frantically looking around for their parents.

"I can't believe you lost mom and dad!" Hugo exclaimed, trying to wriggle his arm out of her tight grip.

"Yeah, I lost them looking for you!" She glared over at him.

"So basically, you lost me first then lost-"

"Shut it, Hugo,"

"We're never going to find them! Look at this place. It's like the muggle mall mum would take us to on brown Friday!"

"It's called black Friday- and you babbling on won't help us find them. I mean, you could at least-"

"Hey, is that Scorpius?"

"Huh?" Rose's eyes followed Hugo's finger and instantly picked out the glaring shock of platinum blonde hair. He was wearing a black polo shirt that emphasized his sickly pale skin. His eyes scanned the shops, most likely looking for some place to buy his books.

As if he could feel her stare, Malfoy looked up and met her eye.

Nope. Not doing this today.

Rose abruptly spun around and dragged her little brother the opposite direction.


Rose ignored him and kept walking.

"Rose, where are we going? You said that-"

"We are going to look for them somewhere else."

A strong arm pulled her back and Rose groaned. Why must he be so fast?

"Didn't your parents teach you it's rude to ignore people?"

"You're one to talk about being rude."

He smirked and took a step closer. "So where are you headed to? A second-hand robe shop?"

"That's original." She glared and crossed her arms. "If all you wanted to do was taunt me, then I guess I will get going. You see, I actually have better things to do than converse with a Malfoy."

"Oh please. Don't act like you didn't miss me."

"Miss you? I was stuck with you for nearly a month this summer!"

"True. By the way, you owe me a thank you."

"Why would I thank you?" She sighed and waited to see what desperate situation he would come up with this time to deflate her dignity.

"For driving out that pick."

"You drove yourself out?"

"Very funny. I'm talking about Mclacking?"

"That doesn't count."

"And why not?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because you got us all in trouble. I spent the last week washing everyone's dishes and doing their laundry. Me! And I was barely part of it!"

"I did warn you."

"Shut up, Malfoy. Now if you'll excuse me, we need to go."

Malfoy looked at her funny. "Who's we?"

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