Chapter 26

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Rose Weasley

"Ron, where is my- RONALD! COME DOWN HERE!"

"Coming, coming!"

"Rose, where's my cologne?!"

"Trust me Hugo, I'm doing everyone a favor here!"

The sound of doors slamming and her family yelling at each other came from almost every direction- a typical day in the Weasley household. Only tonight was a little different.

Rose was currently pulling on a fitted beige dress that rose just above her knee. She looked at herself in the mirror, examining the girl looking back at her. She wore her curly red hair down with two small braids clipped up from the front. With minimal makeup (admittedly, she gave up on it a long time back when she realized some were just better than others when it came to the art of makeup), Rose kept it simple- curled lashes with mascara, gelled brows, and a light pink shade of lip gloss that tasted remarkably like the cherry glaze Grandma Molly always made.

She smiled back at that girl, satisfied by the end result. Although she was never one for playing dress up, Rose respected the aftermath of doing so- a huge confidence booster on her behalf.

The door flew open, revealing a very stressed out ginger. "Rose! Give. Me. My. Cologne."

"Hugo, any other day, I would be totally on board with letting you embarrass yourself. But I am not going out in public with you smelling like you spent the last hour marinating in Midnight Ocean."

"Okay, would you rather me smell like I haven't showered in three days?"

"Why would you smell like- Oh, don't tell me-" She paused, scrunching her nose at the smile her little brother was giving. "That is disgusting. Go take a shower!"

"Well, I can't now. Mum said we're leaving in ten minutes." He shrugged, holding his hand out for the infamous bottle of 'Midnight Woods' cologne. Just the thought of smelling that horrendously strong axe cologne made her gag.

"Then you have ten minutes to shower. Now get out of my room." She huffed.


"I'm not giving it back."

Hugo dropped his arm, glaring at her. "You have a bunch of blackheads all over your face, by the way."

Rose touched her face, frantically looking in the mirror. "What? Are they that noticeable?"

"Oh, nevermind. It's just your freckles." He sniggered.

Rose tossed him a glare. "You have them too, stupid."

"Yeah, but your- okay, okay I'm going!" Hugo scurried out of her room when she gave him a warning look, one that threatened the things she would do if he didn't shut up and leave.

"And close the door on your way out!"

When she was finally alone, Rose sat down on her bed, her thoughts wandering somewhere she desperately wanted them not to. For the past two weeks or so, Rose's mind seemed to be in an entirely different world. All she could think about, day and night, was the way Scorpius's lips felt on her forehead.

The only boy who has ever actually kissed her was Jacob Mclacking. And 'kiss' was a strong word- more like peck but to her it was the same thing. You see, Rose never felt anything whenever he kissed her. Not any sparks, or fireworks, or rainbows- nothing. It was just that- a kiss. Lip to lip contact and nothing more.

Needless to say, she was pretty disappointed when she had her first kiss. Could you blame her? She had spent her whole life reading books, and just about a quarter of them were romance. Now, don't be fooled, a quarter of the amount of books she has read was still a significant number- so much so that she was expecting her first kiss to be just like it was described in the novels: magical. Or at least something close to that.

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