Chapter 36

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My message to you

Everday its so tempting just to leave this earth and be done with everything, with all the pain and stress.But its not  worth it,
I know that now .

I rather stand on this earth to live , show and prove to you am stronger than that .

That I am in this earth for a reason and for a purpose .
Everyday you might do things to me or say things that will make me want to leave, you might tell me I should die .

But I guess me living will always be a problem for you because I will keep on living untill GOD is ready for me.

Everyday you might be giving me pain after pain just to see me down and end it all but I will always stand up strong with my head held up high cause am a child of GOD .

U cant keep me down .
U cant keep me from the light .
U cant keep me from being happy.
SOON I WILL be more than that.

Soon I will be standing with my head held up high and shining with the light of happiness bursting  from  inside and surrounding me from the outside 👌🏽💫

Because I am a fighter , a survivor and a warrior.
But best of all am a soldier that will survive every battle I go through 💪🏾

🦋~V thoughts ~🦋

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