Chapter 89

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Well right now am feeling low ,
Low as in down ,sad not relax . My mind all over the place thinking different thoughts.

Not good thoughts but bad thoughts.
Thoughts where dying would make me be at peace but i dont want to  die but am tired of the pain am tired of crying and feeling drained everyday .

I feel like am drifting away . Far away from everyone ,i try  to hold out my hand to get help but the raft that i am on  does get unsteady , unstable to keep me above the water so to stay and not drown , i cant move got to be numb.

I try shout for help but everyone enjoying their life to hear my cry for help. I try look at the bright side of life but i cant find it in me to see the light . Am blinded by the negativity , am blinded by the evil that destroys my mind .

Am suffering .
Am exhausted .
Am drained .

Yet no body sees it , i open up and try seek for help but nobody not taking me serious.
Proffesionals is there but i dont trust them, all they going do is pretend they care and feed me medications .

I hate it , not being loved , not being cared for , not being appreciated , i wish i was enough , i try be good enough but i still get hurt and wish i can just go and hide away just to make the pain disappear .

I do like i dont feel nothing . I try not to feel anything . My anger helps me cope. It makes me feel protected at times. Sadly my anger can destroy me if am not careful, if its not controled  .


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