Josie and the Foreshadowing Pocketknife

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about me," he replied. His voice took on a sharp edge. "I'll see you soon."


Two hours later, there was a knock at the door. Josie was sitting at the old kitchen table, nibbling on a grilled cheese sandwich and stirring her bowl of tomato soup.

"Come in!" she called.

Ethan opened the door and stepped inside, forcefully shutting the door behind him. Josie jumped up in excitement. She pulled out the chair next to hers and grabbed the extra plate of lunch that she had saved for her boyfriend.

"Ethan, hi! I've missed you so much! Did they say yes about you staying the weekend?" she asked. Then she noticed his face. "Hey... is everything okay?"

"I left without them knowing." He flashed a nervous grin. After a short pause, he sat down beside her.

Josie stared at him and sighed. He was so careless and impulsive sometimes. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Wouldn't they get mad if they knew?" She could feel her anxiety rising, and a slight panic took over. "Wait, they don't know where you are! Ethan, you're going to be in serious trouble. They could send the cops!" Josie really wished he would stop being so impulsive... the last time something like this happened was after he left home after getting in a fight with his mom. He'd ran to the nearby park to cool off, but his parents had tracked his phone and threatened to call the police to bring him home.

Ethan was faintly smiling and just looking at her. He brushed his hair to the side. His eyes slid off of her; they stared unfocused at the wall past her. 'Maybe something is really wrong,' he thought to himself. 'Maybe. Why am I here? What am I doing?'

Josie left the kitchen, walking carefully to her bedroom. Ethan followed behind, trailing a few feet after her, clinging to his plate like it was the only thing keeping him grounded.

Josie hoped he wouldn't get into too much trouble. After that last incident, he was grounded for the entire summer and she didn't hear from him at all. She was devastated to be without her boyfriend and best friend. She was grateful when he was free to see her again, but it was like he was a different person than the Ethan she knew before he went silent...

Josie spun around when she heard a loud thump.

Ethan's back was to the wall. He'd sunk to the floor, holding his head in his hands, panting and struggling to breathe. He was officially freaking out.

"Are... are you okay?" Josie asked hesitantly. She had seen him shut down and stare into space before, but she hadn't seen him like this before.

He stood up sharply. He looked down and it was like he suddenly remembered that he was holding something. Ethan flung his sandwich at Josie's head, his eyes fixed on her. Josie ducked out of the way and squeaked in surprise.

She grabbed his hands and dragged him into her bedroom, then sat him down in the desk chair.

"Calm down!" Josie said forcefully. "Hey, look at me babe, calm down!"

"I can't believe you fucking let me do this, Josie. Why would you do this?" He brushed past her when he stood up. "You know I can't handle these types of things! You know what my parents are like, you know what they'll do to me!"

"Ethan, I-" Josie tried to reassure him but he suddenly glared at her. He spun around and lashed out, knocking a box to the ground.

"Screw you, Josephine!" He spat. She froze - nobody used her full name unless they were really mad at her.

Josie didn't know what to do. She swallowed, trying to get between him and the door. She slipped her hand into her pocket and grasped the pocketknife, and prayed silently to God that she will be safe.

She met his eyes, hers wide in fear and his pupils dilated. "Ethan! I will not tolerate this abuse. If this continues, I am breaking up with you, and I will refuse to see you ever again!"

Ethan sat on the bed and his body spasmed and his eyes suddenly sliding out of focus again. "I don't... Why, Jo? I'm not even sure what I did..." He laid down on his side, eyes closed.

She didn't know why he was acting this way. One moment he was fine, then suddenly he switched into anger. Now he was fine again and acting like he didn't even remember.

Josie was still trembling. "Next time I'm calling the cops on you." She was proud that she stood up for herself, but she was still scared of what he was going to do. What if he got angry again and tried to... attack her? Was he on drugs? Did he hit his head?

She didn't realize it at first but now she knew. "Ethan, it's like you were a totally different person..."

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