Untitled Part 47

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"You got everything?" Elaine asked Josie as she grabbed her backpack and handed it to her. She helped put it in her wheelchair. She began rolling towards the door while Elaine closed and locked the car.

She pressed the handicap button that opened the door and she smiled. She got inside and went towards the registration. "Hi, my name is Josie Brown. I have an appointment here at two."

"Yes, you're all good to go. You're checked in." The lady said.

She went to the waiting area and went to the end of the row of chairs, setting her phone on her lap as she locked the wheels in place.

-- -- --

Josie has her second appointment at the EDS Clinic

She sees the geneticist, who says since she didn't have any genetic markers she is diagnosed with hypermobile EDS

Because of more dislocations and subluxations, they have her fitted for a custom wheelchair

Josie sees the POTS doctor and he says it's good she's getting better already and in the new year, maybe she can have home health do her IVs instead of going to the infusion clinic

She has physical therapy and passes out during it

She gets her AFOs

— — —

Veronica has another date with Edward

He tells her that he's trans and intersex, she says she loves him anyways

Edward says he loves her too

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