A Large Ball-Like Abscess-Looking Bulge

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Josie tossed and turned that night. Too much was on her mind and she couldn't control the racing thoughts, her heart was beating quickly as well and she hadn't been feeling right. Her cat, Bubbles, wasn't doing well either, except he hadn't been moving much. He kept meowing like he was in pain. She watched hesitantly and frowned, slowly getting up from the bed. The sun began to rise above the mountains and shine in the center of her room, the sunlight touching the carpet from her window.

Josie was worried, she couldn't lie about that. She felt lost, scared, and alone. Nothing was working out and she was really sick. She had been feeling weaker and weaker and she hadn't been able to concentrate on her assignments. It's been a few days since they visited the vet. Bubbles only had a few weeks left and she was honestly so scared. She couldn't lose the one thing that kept her going. Her father wasn't apart of her and her mother's life as he is in prison for life for murder.

She rarely thought about him, but she always wondered what it would be like to have a father that loved her and would be apart of the family. Maybe one day her mother would find someone new to love and cherish. Anything is possible.

As Josie watched the sunrise, she heard a meow and felt Bubbles' tail touch her arm. She smiled as she gently pets him and reached to pick him up. He growled and hissed at her. She looked at him in concern and began examining his abdomen. A large ball-like abscess-looking bulge was there. Her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned. "I feel bad that there's nothing I can do, Bub. I'm just hoping you feel better." She murmured as she sat down and patted his head, being gentle and soft.

Josie had never experienced a loss like this before, especially someone that meant so much to her. Maybe my mother would get me another cat, she thought. She rubbed her arm and turned as she heard the doorknob turn.

"Jo, it's time to get ready for school. I know you're not feeling well, but I can pick you up if you need me to." Her mother said. "I just have an important meeting to attend and I don't want to leave you alone, especially with you passing out." She reminded her.

Josie nodded and walked over to her closet and browsed through the clothes that were hung up. She decided on a long-sleeved shirt with stripes and some skinny jeans with high tops. It had been a while since she could fit in this shirt so it was rather odd when she felt how to lose it was. This wasn't normal at all and she was worried about how much weight she's lost. Her mother had scheduled an appointment with her pediatrician to decide on a plan for her.

Once she had finished getting dressed, she did her usual hygiene routine and grabbed her backpack and binder from her desk before heading to the front door. "Do I really have to go?" She asked with a frown.

Her mother sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I can't call off this meeting. It's really important that I attend." She said as she opened the front door.

Josie huffed slightly before following her mother out the front door. She rubbed her eyes as she walked to their four-door van and got into the front seat. She buckled up and closed the door. It's going to be a long day, she thought to herself.

— — —

On her way to school, she felt a bit weak and tired and she felt her eyes beginning to close. It was an hour's drive to the school and she hated having to get up so early. Her eyes and vision seemed to fade and her mother's voice echoed in her head as her vision turned black. She had no control over her body or how she was feeling and acting.

Her mother panicked and looked at her. "Josie. Hey, wake up!" She told her, rubbing her shoulder. "Come on, stay with me. I'm taking you to the hospital." She had said.

All Josie could remember was the darkness that surrounded her as she started to seize.

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