Chapter 18

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Adrianna and Axl pranced around like little girls, is was the new Sunset strip buzz. Duff Mckagan and Addison Wu. Everyone was talking about it on the way to her show tonight.

Duff was with her backstage spraying hairspray in her hair and frizzing it up, Addison was bent over a table rolling up a joint. God she was so hot, she was wearing a fishnet top with a shiny leather skirt. She turned around to Duff, already ready to spark her. She inhaled and passed it to Duff as her bandmates were heading to the stage looking at the pair and giggling. "piss off will you?" Addison laughed. They kissed each other Duff deepening the kiss, pulling her skirt towards him, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.

"Addison!" the drummer whispered from the stage.

"I'm coming Jesus fuck!" she groaned, she smiled at Duff. "go kick ass babes". She winked at him, he gave her ass a light smack. Duff quickly joined the crowd as she slung a guitar over her shoulder and hopped on stage. "only the real punks will know this shit" she said plugging her guitar in. She got the messy hair out her fave and loudly whispered into the mic.

"some people think little girls should be seen and not heard"

Oh Duff knew what was coming.

"well I think....oh bondage up yours! 1234!"

Her head swung along with her hair as she played messy chords. Her voice squealed and screamed and shouted. She looked positively insane. Hair in her face, her eyes either looking high and dead or she made them look like they were bulging out. She screamed with whatever power she had in her, sometimes it brought her down to her knees. She was a dominating powerful creature. Duff thought her a very headstrong woman, her foot kicked has the guitar struck, she revealed her wide smile while pushing the hair out her face. She was so dope, and so cool.His hear fluttered, she was

God they were gross enough to make a guy barf, after the show everyone was traveling to different clubs, everyone knew who they were, Duff was from Guns N Roses drank a lot of beer and got groupies every night with his tall lanky figure and cliche blonde hair. Addison was the hell raiser, the girl nobody knew but at the same time everyone knew. You either hated her or loved her. under the warm red lights that surrounded the strip there was Addison against the brick, she would laugh at whatever goofy words came out Duff's mouth. "you kick ass every time" he said

"well of course, I'm a lil bitch aren't I?" she said "yeah. lil bitch" Duff smiled pulling her in for a kiss.


"holy shit" Adrianna squealed in her room, "omg look at you! your practically starry eyed" Addison said nothing and rolled her eyes.

"and your not talking back! I am ecstatic right now! can't you see Adds!" Addison smiled and laughed "yes I can now can we go join the party now?"

As Addison sat down beside Duff he kissed her cheek, Adrianna snapped a picture...too many. Duff's arms wrapped around her waist, grabbed at her things, even his eyes were on her making it known to everyone who she was with. Axl and Adrianna were flirting all night, her hands going closer to his crotch every two minutes.

"the fuck are you doing with my girl?!" Steven exclaimed

"you literally said she wasn't a week ago!" Axl scoffed as he got up facing him head on.

"well your in for a treat cause I fucked Adrianna two weeks ago! and guess what! I recorded it and it's gonna be part of the album so you can suck my fucking dick!" he yelled

"fuck you" Steven pushed him. "fuck you too" he pushed back. Addison rolled her eyes as she took another snort of whatever powder was crushed up on the glass table, everyone just seeing the drunken fight go on. Addison lit a cigarette and laid on Duff's lap, "and that's what I like to call Toxic Masculinity" she winked.

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